When Christopher Deedy shot Kollin Eldert's in cold blood without a doubt, he did it on orders. This is no conspiracy theory, APEC came to Hawaii with the intent to commercialize the entire Pacific Ocean. Today, permitting and planning of Hawaii's shores into 51 zones is their next step. Kailua was a set community from mountain to sea with 2,000 year old families. Kailua was a chosen community with tons of enforcement planning because of Santa Clause and a trip to Windward mall. As a college student I did the 'Riot Participation Assessment' two weeks after the Rodney King beating. A year later the LA riot happened. Edward Alvery Wright has been quoted as saying "The first thing that comes to mind is all of the opposition we enjoyed and how the opponents are responsible for increasing the project's cost from $30 million to $1.3 billion. It was just one lawsuit after another. I'm very happy the day is finally arriving and I apologize for the delay." Unless, one is savvy and has a deeper consciousness it's not possible to connect the relationships between the roads and the Splintered Paddle communities. A strike was made by the a person with no sense of humanity by orders of foreign policy agendas. We must seek the hand of justice and prevent the splintering of our 2,000 year old Na Moku. Koolaupoko is Kollin Eldert's home, Alvery Wrights invisible watery road, and our Puuhonua should not be roads to ruin. We must withstand this in-just acts of treachery for it is an incident with malice.
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This incident came from a watery grave out of many years of permitting and planning to build up nuclear power. What no one is asking is where do they dump the waste product? Pacific Ocean is a waste land of nuclear garbage and this is not where we want to continue dumping. If California wants the waste to keep washing on their shores, then they should sit out on the fence. If other Pacific Islanders wants to landfill Japan's debris, we should monitor who is doing what to whom. There is more to this than one can see, we must look deeper and connect the dots in our daily lives.