Reply by Kaewaokalani
Aloha Kaohi,
Question: 1. Are we a Hawaiian National through our ancestor whom never gave up their rights correct?
2. So, why are you in support in this movement?
3. 1978 OHA had it Kanaka Maoli register and not telling their people what OHA represent.
Plus how many of the Kanaka Maoli knew about their History? 85% have no knowledge of their history.
Did OHA ever try to go out and educate any of the Kanaka Maoli about their history? from 1978 to 2009 "NO"
4. 2008 OHA had some of the Hawaiian Civic Club (did it for the love of money) register the Kanaka maoli under Kau Inoa now with out any explanation of why their are registering for but they do get a free Kau Inoa T shirt.
5. Why are they in the rush of to do the register. Don't you know it won't take affect until 2025 also it have to be approve by the U.S. gov. It may be recognize here by the government but it not recognize by U.S. Ask yourself and the rest of the home-stater are this another OHA and Kau Inoa trap or scheme to our people?
henry kinney.....stop hidding behind the skirts of a man and face the truth......for i only expose the hewa
I cannot in good conscience participate in this comical charade. Act 195 is a redundant piece of kukae that burns the puka mimi of any decent, intelligent, person of integrity and honor. This piece of okole hi is the same as a high school student-body government with as much as the same clout. The redundancy is reflected in OHA, DHHL, State Association of the Hawaiian Civic Club, CNHA, and the U.S. agerncies that help to create the fraud.
Why attempt to control us in their WASP racist U.S.A. sandbox when we own the entire recreational park including the parking stalls and grounds-equipment?
One has to be mentally-challenged or brain-washed enough to be com[pliant like sheep to be herded into a tiny sandbox and redefined as the U.S.A. pet animal tethered to remain within that flea-infested sandbox. This is why my family household will NOT participate or subscribe to this maggot-ridden Act 195 but remain proud Hawaii nationals of the still-existing Kingdom of Hawaii which is still under continuous unlawful, belligerent occupation of the United States of America, the world's racist bully and international criminal terrorist.
The U.S.A. continues to make a mockery of justice, honor, integrity, democracy, and freedom. Fuck 'em!
1st question:
Question: 1. Are we a Hawaiian National through our ancestor whom never gave up their rights correct?
Hawaiian Nationals never gave up their rights to the US and although this is true--it is plausible to live this truth each day. The question is how do you live this truth and dig that deeper root? Style in answering your question is with a question. The question is how?
"Hawaiian sovereignty activists see the restoration of a Hawaiian nation as a long-term process of education, advocacy and requiring a commitment on the part of Hawaii’s people, not just Natives, to a just resolution of the American fraud. It is not likely that OHA can exert much leadership in this kind of dynamic, and it appears that its strategy, more and more, is simply to try and isolate the sovereignty movement as either hopeless or irrelevant. The extent to which this strategy wastes the talents and energies of a growing number of Kanaka Maoli is the true measure of its failure of leadership." Jon Osario
Question: 2. 2. So, why are you in support in this movement?
Yes, Act 195 is not static! The Hawaiian Movement, is scattered across the hills and dale's and unspecific. Act 195 is very specific--it has two definitions as well as a specific goal to put people without a choice on a roll. From my recollection of the past listings: OHA-vote, Alu Like need base data, Kamehameha School data list, DHHL list, Kau Inoa--the point is if one is defineing the movement of Act 195! Do you think people faced with scholarships are not going to enroll? Are you not on some kind of data base yourself? Answering with a 2nd person question.
I liked the sign that said "Hell no, we will not enroll" but how true to action is this over time?
Plus how many of the Kanaka Maoli knew about their History? 85% have no knowledge of their history.
Did OHA ever try to go out and educate any of the Kanaka Maoli about their history? from 1978 to 2009 "NO"
The 1978 Constitutional Convention was well publized everybody knew what they were getting themselves into when they registered for OHA. The darling candidates did a fantastic job of sharing their 'mano' and these darlings are still doing the 'exact' same thing now. The 'roll' duplicates OHA's voters list, and the OHA candidates are pissed and knowing that the 'bloodquantum' is in their faces in Act 195!
The second question about not knowing about their history! That's not true, Hawaiians prefer not to know their history and that is the truth! Trust me, I work daily on the 'root' of our history. We have more reconstructivism going on for research grants, with the tone of a US voice which causes confusion and put our people in flight!
Yes, OHA spent big bucks on educating the Kanaka Maoli about their history. Like 'maturity' it takes a decision within their brains to want to know the argument and voice a counter argument. Only universities and some Charter Schools are learning to voice their arguments on the Hsitory of our people. Most will run away and take the first fight out of the classroom. If it entails a career goal the smart ones with a devious intent hangs in the balance of justice. I am still pissed at BC Chang and Jon Van Dyke for steering the leaders over the wall. Now they are all out of context! One just need to unlazy oneself and start reading and writing ones experience of rooted truth. It takes time!
"It is important that Hawaiian organizations and agencies like the Office of Hawaiian Affairs do not perpetuate deceptions by pressing for quick and immediate solutions to difficult political issues. As an agency whose mission is to seek the betterment of the Native people, the Kanaka Maoli, it should be leading the attempt to research, uncover, chronicle and discuss the history of our relationship with the United States. It should not be hurrying a process that Hawaiian people have not fully discussed. Unfortunately, its official position with regard to federal recognition is that time will only erode the political, economic and social conditions of Native Hawaiians in Hawaiʻi and that the Akaka Bill, regardless of its provisions, offers the only foreseeable relief." Jon Osario
4. 2008 OHA had some of the Hawaiian Civic Club (did it for the love of money) register the Kanaka maoli under Kau Inoa now with out any explanation of why their are registering for but they do get a free Kau Inoa T shirt.
In truth, this is my take! Kau Inoa was stupid from it's inception. However, the people that did it meant well! It was Murdock on Maui that wanted the list to take to the bank. The T shirt was a great marketing tool for their Kala Data base! Hawaiian Civic Club is Republic of Hawaii who is the Hawaiian Club...check it out. I recent the fact that they used our Halau's for their devious and rotten intent.
Did I do anything, yes I did and was told to leave the hotel when I tried to participate in their Economic Development Conference. I got into a confrontation head on with the now deceased Penoke! I also hold the 'Native Hawaiian' as a Trade Mark since 1978 and will have to renew in nine years my application. Which is basically why I tried to attend their economic conference, they said their legaleeze said to my face--he doesn't believe I should have it! My point is why are they waking up so late to the problems of owning our crafts. So this is a bit of state of hawaii stuff! Like I said earlier, it's difficult to maintain your Hawaiian Nationalist spirit in the face of 'necessity.' Oh, one more thing I have reregistered my trade mark a week befor experation and my application is sitting on the self waiting for my slip up. In the same pile there are several people trying to own my trade mark. It's really funny to me! It would be nice if it was Na Kanaka, but no it's the Anglo's!
5. Why are they in the rush of to do the register. Don't you know it won't take affect until 2025 also it have to be approve by the U.S. gov. It may be recognize here by the government but it not recognize by U.S. Ask yourself and the rest of the home-stater are this another OHA and Kau Inoa trap or scheme to our people?
Great question with a question, but one needs to go to the actual end game... it's the death certificate that 1934 Reorganization at the Fed level is the sustainable plus plus plan of the Pentagon. A few will be around but too ill to do anything except to be kept alive for prosperity sake.
So sit out on this one and pray that the ones that jump in are strong willed, and think on their feet for they need to fly at top speed to protect our people and preserve the vary root of our people.
I do not see group (A) as doing much except to dive for coins in the sea that is tossed to them! I am hoping that (B) group will stand up and leave their comfort zones..they have done it in the past.
"When the US Supreme Court’s opinion remanded the case back to Hawaiʻi, I concluded that we needed to fight this case again, arguing even more strenuously than ever that the Crown and Government lands are the property of the Hawaiian Nation and that the US permanent control over it is unlawful. OHA and the other plaintiffs chose to dismiss the suit in exchange for state legislation which, in my opinion, simply emphasizes the State’s possession of these lands and maintains the fiction that our national claim is limited or unobtainable. It is my belief that we should attempt to secure this injunction once more in the Hawaiʻi courts and require the United States to call forth or create the law that dispossesses us. That, at least, would clarify our relationship with America and bring forth the patriots who will lead us home." Jon Osorio
Written in the Republic of Ireland
May 11-15, 2009
Jonathan Kay Kamakakawiwoʻole Osorio
This is my favorite piece!
April 3, 2009
Hawaiians in da House, March 31, 2009
Members and friends of the Hawaiian Independence Action Alliance staged a show of protest on Monday, March 31 at 5:30 pm in response to the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to affirm the state of Hawaii’s clear title to so-called ceded lands. With our “SEIZED NOT CEDED” signs and Hawaiian Independence banners, the group gathered for a small ceremony at the Queen’s statue, then moved to Beretania St. to make our presence known. We were there to protest the fake state and the U.S. fiction of an annexation that never occurred, as well as the presumption of the state and feds that lands had legally transferred from the Hawaiian Kingdom to the Republic of Hawaii and then to the United States, thus becoming lands ceded to the U.S. The protest was to call attention to the seizure of Hawaiian lands and the continuous use of terms like “ceded lands” that confuse the issue.