CZM needs to listen to Waianae people about the usage of our Waianae Coast.  Commercial, however, it may sound seems more likely a 'state' position should consider the old traditional practices.  Their design should reflect the 'moral voices' of the Waianae residence that have used the ocean as their 'Food Security' since time immoral.  Our ancestors have been calling to many women that are presently living in Waianae, I am meeting so many of them with out even trying to make the effort.  

The Kahea went out on May 1, 2012 at Kapiolani Bandstand and Waianae women are walking towards the center of incident and that is food safety for the future generations.  I am elated over the this phenomenon and ask how could this be happening.  

Mahalo for those that support the efforts of the Splintered Paddle Law in this time.  We should be planning our future generations stay and living in Hawaii not far far away!

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  • shark dolphin tours...what the heck!!!!

    oahu county allows tours at the same area of the homeless in waianae?????

    kupuna man said.....why is Profit put before People (humans)?????

    this is a wrongful criminal act....this is what usa is all about...where is your community council person for that district.

    here on our maui nui took the death of one makua our la haina shorelines,

    and finally with a march on front street in lahaina by Anty Patti Nishiyama of Na Kupuna O Maui

    that took to the ears of this county of be responsible and set up the bueys properly

    to seperate the boat activities from the humans swimming off our shorelines.....

    however i still dont agree to having motor engines in our ocean waters,

    with the activites of our people that is still fishing, diving for fish and surfing

    with canoe practicing.....maui county needs to get rid of motor boats activities

    especially with humans is in the ocean water...period.

    one major problem...i have at the moment with these boats out on the ocean is the RUST

    from some of the boats of the harbor and or those that sits outside of Mala down to Waihikuli in Lahaina,

    no Monitoring and Regulations of County Codes is Administered due to no and or low staff county enforcements....


  • It's important to understand, the permitting should not be allowed on the Waianae Coast to make way for Dolphin tours.  Like the sharks dolphin tours should be outside the three mile mark not within the area where children swim.  

  • remember we are special tools from Ke Akua and our lead correctly.....mauruuru~~~

  • kupuna kaohi.....please continue to pray to Ke Akua and believe that the Kupuna Kahiko (ancesters)....will find your hearts to do what is right in the eyes of Ke Akua and the proper Protocals of our Sacredness of our Royal Kingdom Ancestors.....always ask it, believe it and soon your prayers will be answered.....for sometimes the door of oppurtunity is waiting on the other in Ke Akua and he will guide you where you need you and my many Blessings to you and our ohana nations of Kanaka Maoli's of Recognised Native Hawaiians.....mauruuru....da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia...La Haina~~~

  • We have just a few more people on the streets at Keeau's and I pray that they have the strength to withstand the misues of power over people that have lived here in the same place for decades.  

  • once the tourist got hold of our Kihei and La haina Beaches.....we becamestrangers to our own Sacredness......lost, helpless, to our rights on our lands and or waters.....kihei feels like we are in california....(just take a walk in Longs Drugs)....feels weird...(not like our kahului longs drugs (get all the locals from our communuties).....the environment in kihei is RUDE, the surrounding is not hawaiian at all.....we are around mana aloha at all in kihei from the foreigners from the mainland.....shame on you county of maui for lost the Aloha for the comfort of the american dollar.....hewa~~~

  • The six o'clock news painted a dismal picture for the general public.  This area had children and lots of centipieds--discarded area rugs were layed down because of it.  This place at Keeau's takes on the strong winds, heat and other peoples trash.  This was the end of the road where nobody wanted to go until recently.  The tourist are being encouraged to head out to the end of the road for doing what?  We have a highly advertised nature walk to see the Hawaiian (so-called) Monk seals 2 and 1/2 hour walk.  Keeau's was made up of wonderful people--they lacked the evil spirit that most posses today.  Most of them are not on drugs, or maybe I choose to see the light of day in them in hopes that they decide to stop doing drugs and join all the circle groups that meet and talk about their addictions.  

    Any how mahalo for all your attention.  

  • the cleansing of the beaches and streets of Waianae needs attention.....remember we not Trailer Trash....(for we need to malama our surroundings)......dont collect more than need, stay alchohol, no drugs, no stink on the lands.....relocate if heal the land from over occupacy.....need a plan to educate these kanaka maoli's to live within the means of their community....and most of all get community assistance....mahalo Ke Akua~~~

    i am very proud of Butch and you Kaohi as our living kupuna's to heal this generation from being a hawaiian both are on the right path...taking one step at a time......yet to always put Ke Akua first in your decisions...amene~~~

    teach to educate to speak up.....collect your Waianae Wahine Warriors....for Ke Akua have already gathered your TEAM~~~

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