Kaohi: Jim Albertini sent a message on EPA changes

There is a new post on the Malu 'Aina blog: 'EPA wants to raise "SAFE" radiation

UC Berkeley
Home » Forums » Berkeley Radiological Air and Water Monitoring Forum
EPA to raise "safe" limits
The EPA is at it again, they now want to change the "safe" limits of exposure
to humans. The EPA wants to raise "Protective Action Guides" (PAG's) to levels
vastly higher than those at which they are currently set allowing [...]

See the entire post here:

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Best regards,
Jim Albertini
President, Malu 'Aina center for nonviolent education and action

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  • Dangerously knowing about radioctive radiation in an environmet EPA 9 is searching for communities to except radiation.  Is Waianae such a place? 
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