There is a new post on the Malu 'Aina blog: 'Questions Raised Over Hawaii
Ordnance Emergency!'

Aloha Kakou,

On June 14, 2011, Governor Neil Abercrombie signed a proclamation suspending a
host of state statutes protecting the environment, historic sites,  public
access to recreation areas, and environmental policies. Basically, the governor
declared a state of emergency and suspended a broad set of laws so the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers can look for and blow [...]

See the entire post here:

My response to Jim:

My ocean is a refrigerator, as well as, my abode refrigerator!  Clean up is a blow up truth, and that is what my opposing stance was from the onset.  The NRC has rules, and we as a group rewrote those rules.  The State should not have the power to rewrite those rules at a local level.  Regardless, no one thought to protect the water ways from nuclear isotopes contamination that eventurally flows to our children via an inducement pathway.  Or, they are our sponge bob's--extra addition, adults have thicker skins and children do not therefore they are most vulnerable.

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