2011-05-25 16:16:19

"Ladies and gentlemen, from Hiroshima to Japanese people of the world," Mr. Moon Hashizume

Theme: activities of the participants then

 Who participated in the project after a once cranes, Fumiko is Hashizume (aka Mr. Bun), in response to the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and East of this earthquake, everyone, from Hiroshima Japan's world "as the survivors the sentence was announced that "to everyone. (There is a Japanese and English versions)  Mr. Hashizume, March 11 at the time, was bombed during the writing of your own experience, about the life of the citizens of before and after the atomic bomb, nuclear accident grieved, the final chapter was stepping on the ground in Hiroshima will Kakiageyo from Hiroshima.  Became the text there is, "Ladies and gentlemen, from Hiroshima to Japanese people of the world" this is.  Standing in front of the memorial prayer of Peace Park in Hiroshima, "for a while, now please give me health," and exposure of their own painful experience, I think the terrible impact, especially due to internal exposure.  And we talk about ~Tsu sense of crisis of internal exposure to such a terrible thing, the people of Fukushima and the surrounding area has now been exposed.  "What should I become the country harm occurs radioactivity Japan national atomic bomb? " "  As we've suffered a lifetime and atomic bomb survivors of us, who exposure to, such as nuclear testing, nuclear accident, by the nuclear accident in Fukushima We exposed person is, it will continue to suffer now. (Omitted)   no borders. to radiation   also in order to save the children open up the future   people of the world   join hands together, let's rise toward the primary anti-. "  I think in order not to waste, the thought of Mr. Bun tie like this, learn from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and I want to make an effort not to increase the exposed person any more.  Our thoughts, actions, and lead, will affect the world and live for the future of our children!  In honor of this courage of Mr. Bun, why not try to go one step forward?  (Rika Watanabe)    from Hiroshima     , everyone to everyone in the world of Japanese                          atomic bomb survivors Hashizume statement  in atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima I, living in Tokyo, now eighty years old.  When the ten days of March 31, two thousand and eleven, East Japan Earthquake occurred, Fukushima nuclear accident has occurred subsequently, I bomb survivors and sixty years ago six was in writing about the lives of its citizens before and after .  I had finished writing for the majority, I think heavy heart ache to embrace the Fukushima nuclear accident, and want to finish writing the final chapter is standing at the origin of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima hometown.  When I stepped on a land of Hiroshima late at night, I felt a heavy load on both shoulders, legs did not go to a moment before.  I always carry a memorial peace park in the first leg, that day, and to interact with the men who died in unimaginable devastation relatives, friends, and acquaintances in the monument to a large degree attributable It was, had a pray and ask rather than this time.   To me, for a while, please give your health now.   To me, please give the power.   Tell me, what you can do, please guide.  I am that day, the survivors in the land of about one kilometer from the hypocenter-five, was seriously injured on the verge of death, I was able to survive with the help of three people.  Living in barracks in ruins, it was hemorrhage suffered high fever, from the nose or gums, severe diarrhea, vomiting, generalized purpura, such as hair loss, and acute radiation sickness, even when that miraculously survive this I was able.  But then, until now Sun, suffers from various diseases and the other, was the body does not have health as a Sun.  It was particularly painful was "Buraburayamai atomic bomb."  Symptom is fatigue excruciating.  I decided to doctor several times.  "Teacher, even in one day, because I even one time, please be refreshing light body"  , but it did not come true.  I prayed to God to bed at night.  "Tomorrow morning, so that it does not wake up"  they were all caused by internal exposure due to radiation.  Into the body and water containing radioactive material, food, air, etc., continue to destroy the cell causing the fission material in the body that continuously, and driven mad genes. It will continue until we die.  The cause of the "atomic bomb Buraburayamai" a "cesium" came out in the media finally its name, and damage to muscle it recently, I've heard here in Hiroshima.  That day, not just the atomic bomb, nuclear testing, internal exposure is an exposure of the nuclear accident and everyone who also, who went into the city to find people caught in a black rain, a relief and human.  For internal exposure, has been hiding much.  Fukushima nuclear accident by this, but now come out the word "internal exposure" finally, there is no detailed explanation about how mean it is not.  From the primary government is no longer in progress.  There was also the time of primary energy has been touted as clean energy, of a dream, after the Chernobyl and Three Mile Island nuclear accident, had been a little ahead.  In recent years, are about to make a nuclear power plant in the world competing in many countries yet. I have called the Renaissance, such as nuclear power plant it.  A look at this trend, I was warned that I not-so-distant future too, and nuclear accident happens somewhere on earth always.  It is currently happens in my country, has continued to leak radioactive material per second addition of high concentration. No means decisive to stop it, the end of the critical state outlook is not standing.  More than fifty primary group limited land area, in the earthquake-prone Japan. On top of the plate of earthquake-prone, has built in sparsely populated areas to focus on deals.  The first nuclear power plant is also up to six nuclear power plant in Fukushima in this Unit, they are chained in crisis.  In addition, four from Unit to Unit has also a second nuclear power plant in Fukushima, but they are also damaged.  Three to ten days after the big earthquake in May of Northeast, a major earthquake had occurred in Shizuoka Prefecture. It is said that the Tokai earthquake, of Suruga Bay, and one hundred% occur in the first half of this century. Moreover the direct type. On top of that there is a largest Hamaokagenpatsu.  First nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture called Ginza, there are many nuclear power plant on the Sea of Japan to frequent earthquakes.  Japanese people  say What should I become perpetrators country radioactivity occurs bomb survivors in Japan of the country?  There is no time. Let's encourage them to stop a nuclear power plant that is currently running.  People of the world  to help him, please.  And, to build a new nuclear power plant on the earth is, of course, to stop all nuclear power plant up and running now, I'll give a voice to make decommissioning.  I've been in and out of the country complained as anti-nuclear-bomb survivors. It is not just the hydrogen bomb, atomic bomb, the fear that Sun will destroy a nuclear power plant life on Earth is coming.  Primary even when running normally, to release a small amount of radioactive material always been dirty sea, sky, the soil.  It is also about the dangers of radiation trace hiding.  It has received a raw on the earth is not the only human. For their own gain, but to sacrifice a human or other organisms will not be irreverent?  That it paves the way we live in harmony with nature, what is not human wisdom?  We live in the 21st century from the twentieth century, only to have been given the moment of the book of human history long also. From the senior leaders take over, to pass the baton to the future, I will not only take care of the moment that just?  As we have suffered from atomic bomb survivors and our life, that person, such as exposure to nuclear testing, nuclear accident, exposure to those who Fukushima nuclear accident, it will continue to suffer now.  State of the people have endured harsh life in the shelter earnestly to will be reported every day.  Even in such, to not lose sight of infant children, the innocent vitality, at the same time that I touched, I hope to see there.  Radioactivity, giving a lot of damage especially in children, prevents their growth. Nevertheless, government and power companies is that they continue to build a further ten or more based on this narrow earthquake-prone Japan.  There is no radioactivity border. Also in order to save the children open up the future  people around the world  join hands together, let's rise toward the anti-nuclear power plant. <English translation English translation> APPEAL OF BUN Hashizume, A-BOMB SURVIVOR OF HIROSHIMA, JAPAN AND TO THE PEOPLE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD March 29, 2 011 My name is Bun Hashizume and I am an A-Bomb survivor of Hiroshima. I live in Tokyo and I am now 80 years old. When the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011, which triggered the crisis at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, I was in the midst of writing about the radiation exposure wrought by the 66 years ago Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and about the Lives of Citizens before and After the BLAST. Though much of my writing had already Been completed, I was Deeply Pained by the accident Involving the Fukushima Nuclear plant and I Felt That I Would Like to Conclude . my Thoughts-and share this conclusion in English as well-from the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima Vantage point of the, my Hometown Struck When the earthquake, I was in Tokyo;. Afterwards, I Came to the A-Bombed Hiroshima When I Reached City, it was Late at Night and on my shoulders I Felt a heavy Weight. It Took a Moment for ME to Take my first steps. Every time I Return to Hiroshima, I first Hiroshima Peace Memorial in Standing Memorials Visit the Park and I Speak to my family members, friends, Acquaintances, and other unimaginable horror of the Victims who Perished in the Atomic Bombing. This time, HOWEVER, I Asked Them to Hear my Wish, Rather than my prayer. Please enable to hold my health. Please enable my strength. Please guide ME, and Lead ME, in my Efforts. On the day of the Atomic Bombing, I was exposed to the Bomb's Radiation at a location 1.5 kilometers from the Hypocenter. I was Also Injured Severely, but I managed to Survive BLAST with the Help of the OTHERS. After the war, I lived in a burned-out Makeshift Hut in the City and I Suffered from acute Symptoms of Radiation Exposure, INCLUDING a high Fever, Bleeding from my Gums, dreadful diarrhea, vomiting, Purple That covered my body spots, and hair Loss. It was a Miracle That Again I survived. Since That time, right Up to today, I Have Suffered from a Series of Illnesses and I Have Never enjoyed a single day of Fine health. Among the many illnesses, one has been particularly difficult. The symptom of this "A-bomb disease" is unbearable fatigue. I begged my doctor to make me feel fresh and light again, if only for a day, if only for an hour, but it . DID not Happen When I went to Sleep at Night, I Prayed to God: ". Do not let ME Wake Up Tomorrow". All this was poor health Caused by Exposure to the Bomb's internal Radiation Radioactive Materials Are Ingested Once in the body through Contaminated water, food, or AIR, THESE Substances Continue to be Radioactive without End, Destroying the body's cells and Damaging Genes. This is a Lifelong Fate. I DID not Know until my recent Visit to Hiroshima That the Substance called "Cesium," which HAS Been a Familiar talking point of the Media THESE days, the muscles and Damages Induces the awful "A-Bomb disease." People who Were Entered Doused by the City or the Black Rain Efforts to aid the relief or the Search for missing all Became Victims of internal Exposure. And the A-Bomb survivors Beyond, Those who Have Suffered Nuclear Accidents at Nuclear power plants or tests Are Also Victims of Exposure to Radiation internal. Information about internal Exposure to Radiation hidden from the public for HAS Been a long time. Since the accident at the Fukushima Nuclear plant, the Expression "Exposure to Radiation internal" is finally Being Uttered, but no detailed Explanations Have Been forthcoming. Revealing Such Information Will make it Difficult for the Government to Continue Pursuing Nuclear Energy Nuclear Energy had once been praised as "clean energy," even "ideal energy," but this enthusiasm cooled somewhat after the accidents at the nuclear power plants at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. In recent years, however, many nations have been constructing nuclear power plants and the age has been dubbed a "renaissance" of nuclear energy. As I watched this phenomenon unfold, I couldn't help but feel that one day, not far in the future, there would undoubtedly be another accident at a nuclear power plant somewhere in the World. That accident occurred in my own country HAS, and the Crippled Nuclear plant is a large volume of Now Continuously Leaking Radioactive Materials INTO the environment. There is no foolproof way to stop it, and no End to the Crisis is in Sight. in the Small Nation of p, which Suffers from frequent Earthquakes, built more than 50 Nuclear REACTORS Have Been. THESE REACTORS Nuclear Loom Mainly in Depopulated Areas, sites on Active WITHIN earthquake zones. The Great Eastern Earthquake HAS compromised the p at the Six REACTORS Nuclear power plant in Fukushima. Experts warn of this Magnitude-Earthquakes Earthquakes Further That That Will Strike in the Vicinity of Nuclear power plants-Will Occur other with 100% Certainty in the none-Too-distant Future. To the people of p, I ask:? Will Accept the fact That Simply WE p, the A-Bombed Nation, ultimately Brings about a catastrophe of Radiation Exposure Worldwide .. Time is of the Essence Together We MUST work to halt the Nuclear power plants in operation Now People of the World, Speak out and join Hands to stop the construction of Nuclear power plants any Additional, Speak out to shut down every power plant on Nuclear Earth. As an A-Bomb survivor, I Have Been Opposed to Nuclear Energy in p long and internationally. This is because I have feared not only nuclear bombs, but also the possibility that one day nuclear energy would destroy all life on the planet. Even operable nuclear power plants are continuously releasing small amounts of radioactive materials into the environment, contaminating the soil, the Sea, and the Sky. The danger of Small Amounts of Radioactive Materials is Being THESE CONCEALED, Too. Human Beings Are not the only Living Things. Is not Arrogance for Human Beings it to other Living Things Simply Sacrifice for Our own Benefit? Would it not be wiser for human beings to seek harmony with nature? Humanity in the 20th and 21st centuries is offered only a moment in the long history of our species. That brief moment has been bequeathed by our ancestors, which we, in turn, bequeath to Our Descendants. Like the A-Bomb survivors, and the Nuclear power plant and tests Sufferers of Nuclear Accidents, the Victims of the accident at the Fukushima Nuclear power plant Throughout Their Lives Will face suffering. The people displaced by the multiple disasters in Eastern p Shelters in braving Are Difficult days. But even amid Such conditions, the children and I am RETAIN Moved Their Innocence and Hope in Hope and Find Them. Radiation and Their Growth is Especially Damaging to children. Nevertheless, the Japanese Government and Electric power Companies say Will They persist in the construction of more Nuclear power plants in p, in this Continually Small Nation shaken by Earthquakes. Radiation Border Respects no. To save Our children, the Future of Our Species, I Call on the people of p, and the people of the world, to stand together and oppose the continuation of nuclear energy.

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  • Because of all the nuclear contamination's our children are the sponge bobs of Waianae.   

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