Kaohi: Jim Albertini information on DU

There is a new post on the Malu 'Aina blog: 'Comprehensive, Independent, DU
Testing Needed'

Aloha Peace Ohana,
Below are 2 DU State Senate Concurrent Resolutions (SCR 118 and SCR 89)
introduced by Senators Gil Kahele and Malama Solomon.   Rep.Faye Hanohano
introduced one in the House.
The 2 resolutions are similar but the SCR 118 has more extensive whereas.
Please pass the word and encourage legislators to support the resolutions.

Jim Albertini

Malu ‘Aina Center [...]

See the entire post here:

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Best regards,
Jim Albertini
President, Malu 'Aina center for nonviolent education and action

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  • A step in the right direction, have not read bill will get back to this posting.  Mahalo
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