On the other end of the spectrum, however, are those who believe that individuals with only “one drop” of Hawaiian blood are not Native Hawaiians, as expressed by "Emmett Lee Loy, a Native Hawaiian attorney who spoke at the 2000 forum. He believes that attempts to lower the blood requirement are strategically designed to support the interests of those who want recognition legislation passed. “What they’re trying to do is broaden the class so much that the State of Hawai‘i is allowed to shirk its obligations to the 50-percent-plus blood quantum.”[70] He contends that the requirements established by the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act are the ones that should remain in effect.

Others spoke out in the 2000 forum saying that the practice of defining who is Hawaiian by blood quantum pits Hawaiians against each other, in effect causing them to compete for both recognition and the limited available resources. William Lawson, a Hawai‘i resident, spoke to this issue by stating that the existence of a blood quantum level:

is a blatant discriminatory mandate whereby those of Hawaiian ancestry with 50 percent or higher blood quantum have been pitted against those of less than 49 percent quantum or less of the qualifying mandate. What blood quantum makes a Caucasian a Caucasian or what quantum makes a Filipino a Filipino or an Afro-American an Afro-American, and so on and so forth?[71]"


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  • remember we are the true Native Host culture of our Royal Hawaiian Kingdom Government......we are Care Takers NOT land owners to our sacred lands of our ancestors........this is the first knowledge to always remind ourselves......that again we are Care Takers, we Malama (take care) our sacred lands, sacred water, sacred air space and most of all we are the Sacred Children Kingdom Royal Hawaiian Heirs that have been done wrong to and we need to recognize this wrongful act of Violence as a CRIMINAL act against our Royal Hawaiian Nation......and i am seeking my Sacred Rights to Justify the Hewa (wrong) done to our Sacred People that we only gave ALOHA the greatest unconditional love of the highest Christians of Ameria ...mauruuru


    • thanks for your input........


      Am a representative of many of our Royal families and we are not only caretakers of the lands but actual documented land owners...........


      have you looked at the Hawaiian Kingdom laws, and the laws were so called taken on by the pirate government which continues to secure the rights to the land OWNERS....those documented in the Great Mahele, validated by our tutu Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III...............


      by saying that you are only a CARE TAKER, you are not apart from all the HAOLE who claim to help CLEAN THE AINA ---- watch all the people who set up programs to help with the AINA.....they're HAOLES.......don't you get it?


      COMPOUND that with the facts that the missionaries/mercenaries types are also programmed to claim that THEY ARE THE CROWN LAND OWNERS! and then some....all on the momentum of supporting a PIRATING group of LAWBREAKERS, TREASONOUS to the Hawaiian Kingdom and assisting the PIRATES OF THE WORLD - U.S., England, and the bankers...............


      duh princess..............I like most of your words, but you need to REVIEW some of your comments again because our families are about making things PONO..........and we are the ones currently maintaining OUR TUTU'S LANDS documented in the Great Mahele WITH GENEALOGIES...........lots of issues going on ON OAHU WHICH BECAME THE CAPITOL OF Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, and WE are the descendants of the ORIGINAL MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF NOBLES, etc............


      "we are the true Native Host culture".....which makes THEM the TRUE PARASITIC CULTURE! lol....


      Aloha is FOR SALE in their PARASITIC CULTURE...........and the real aloha IS NOT FOR SALE........






      see Foster's post from http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/how-and-why-we-were


      Have you ever wondered where the “Native Hawaiian” term came from? What its LEGAL definition is?

      Well, here it is:

      From Sec 201 (Definition) of the Hawaiian Homes Act of 1920


      "Native Hawaiian" means any descendant of not less than
      one-half part of the blood of the races inhabiting the Hawaiian
      Islands previous to 1778.

      Aside from the fact foreigners have, in a “legal” context of their own, defined who we are and with this 50% blood quantum (one-half part) minimum, of itself a form of genocide, WHY is “….previous to 1778” a criteria to “qualify” descendants of the Hawaiian Islands a so-called “Native Hawaiian”….and not the years “prior to January 17 1893? A question many “think” of….but few actually search out the answer.

      Earlier than the Hawaiian Homes Act of 1920 Hawaii was considered by the US a territory. During this period politics and social attitudes in Washington D.C., as in most parts of the US, were hostile to non-whites. Had voting seats then in the Senate and House been held by Hawaiians instead of Caucasian democrats and republicans; and had the President of the United States of America been Hawaiian than perhaps the Hawaiian people would actually own the US “political process” that passed a raced-based bill into law, e.g. Hawaiian Homes Act of 1920.

      No Kenneth Conklin, the Hawaiian Homes Act of 1920 belongs to the United States of America, as does the War in Iraq, to the state of the Economy/Financial meltdown and those- now-bailed out corporate elites to the sellout of working class Americans.

      Hmm....1778 to 1893; 115 years of our lahui (nation) has been omitted…..WHY?

      When you consider the amount of documented facts such as, Hawaii’s Bill of Rights (Lahaina-1839); Laws and Constitution (1840); English-Franco Proclamation (November 28, 1843); Mahele (1845) etc.; politically speaking and in a historical context MISSING are our most important and significant achievements of any society on the planet for that time. Our rise and success from a tribal, pre-contact civilization to a government of literacy, laws, commerce and civility equal, if not greater to the so-called civilized societies of the world.


      Why omit specifically (1778-18983) these 115 years of accomplishments from the very language legally defining who we are; “Native Hawaiian”? The answer is simple and in plain sight. By suppressing these facts The United States Government intended and has in effect “denationalized” every kanaka maoli and non-kanaka maoli citizen of the Hawaiian Kingdom Government; and unlike the many tribes of first-people that inhabited the Americas when Europeans first arrived in the late 1300’s, who were slaughtered and forced off their lands by foreigners, the invaders to our land could not shoot, slaughter and steal our national independence without exposing themselves to the “legal liabilities’ now slowly being uncovered.

      I strongly believe until we ALL DEMAND our history and accomplishments from 1778 to 1893 the 115 years omitted by the Hawaiian Homes Act of 1920 replaces the 50% blood quantum and “…previous to 1778” we Hawaii nationals will continue to be discriminated against by the United States Government and State of Hawaii based on our race….and our national origin!

      If not….let’s sue them all!



      for other stimulating information see the thread http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/ceded-lands-setting-the-record Kaleo's post on the Crown Lands also.


      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGKx2LNbF5M  the truth is the truth is the truth....

  • again senior citizen illegal resident outside influrenced INTRUDERS....please Listen and Learn: its not about the Blood.....for i do have the Royal Blood in me.....in my generation it is about RESPECT and i have not seen or heard it by anyone of you.....so called older examples to follow......i can only identify the Deaf, the Blind, the Lost and now the Hewa (wrongful actions) towards Death, hummmmmm. We need better Leaders to Lead our next generation, not the false hope of NO Where to GO!....No Resolutions for over 118 yrs., we are now finally recognized by this illegal citizen residents of Usa, that is illegally residing on~ 

    Native Hawaiian Kanaka Maoli's know the difference.......listen to your living kupuna's of your Ahupua'a (sacred lands) for we get lots of false Kupuna that is wrongly leading our next generation and how we know? just by what you say and your conduct will Identify the Hewa within your ohana nation, starting with the Elders of your family......begin the cleansing work and start within your immediate ohana nation first. mahalo Ke Akua for his correct Leadership and Guidance.......mauruuru

  • so much words from people of NO knowledge and NO lineage to our Royal Ancestors, leads our next generation with words of DEATH!....the dream is DEAD for such ones that is BLIND and LOST in this Dizzy generation of wishful fantasy.....wake up old fools for we know the difference and this is not the place for such ignorance by the steady mouths of the senior citizen illegal residents trying to be like one kupuna, that leads us to no where to go (complainers) and only 3rd mouth yao yao, no future restoration for our next generation comes out from your mouths of death!.....so.....Glady's get your act together, the next generation need new Leaders not mouthy words that is confusing our people.

    Through out my interaction on this forum on this same page, i only hear constant complaints with no resolution by these same senior citizen illegal residents that only speak foolish words and they suppose to be examples for our next future geneation....sad case of mouthy seniors citizen residents speaking complaints that leads to no solutions.....Bad Examples to follow.......i have learned how to shut my ears from the mouths of DEATH and the BLIND, please future Leaders...recognize these Hewa's that is misleading and display NO Mana (spiritial powers), stay away from their mouths of death......Know the difference. Identify and call them on it...(big smiles).....Stop the false works and expose the hewa (wrongful actions), so we will know who they are and be aware of their ways of Division among our Native Hawaiian Kanaka Maoli's........unite your ohana nation and lead them to know right from wrong and identify the good from the bad.....mahalo Ke Akua.....mauruuru

  • its not the blood that i look at within my generation......i look at your Actions and your Respect towards each other. i am 50% and my mama kahili is Full Bloodline direct lineage to the Chiefs, the High Chiefess, the Kings and the Queen of our Kingdom of Hawaii Nei and i am proud of it and will share this knowledge to the rest of my living ohana nation.....my ohana come from the Royal Ali'i Nui of my Kingdom of Maui Nui, the Royal Capitol of Lahaina, Maui Nui. I hear so much 3rd mouth yao yao....and NO Action to the mouth....hawaiian or not! For I no longer live in the deaf, the blind and the lost generation...i am educated to do right from wrong and to identify the good from the bad.

    i rely on our Mo'okuauhau (geneolgy) my true Native Hawaiian Kanaka Maoli Lineage, period. For this is what will take me to my sacred lands of my kupuna kahiko (ancestors). So Usa we are coming to Claim what already is ours, that was STOLEN from my Ancestors!.......mahalo Ke Akua for his guidance and Leadership to IMUA (move forward)....especially now that this fake state have finally recongnize us as Native Hawaiians and i will honor that and now move to our True INDEPENDENCE to the Freedom of Truth and Justice....on Maui Nui first for me........for i stay coming.....get ready my ohana nation for we have abundance of work to cleanse our Sacred Lands for the Disrespect of these illegal outside influrenced INTRUDERS.......mahalo Ke Akua....mauruuru......da princess of Lahaina, Maui Nui.....our Royal Capitol of our Hawaiian Kingdom Government~~~

    • Where is your tiare?  I know where your ignorance is...!


      This mythical dreams of yours are good and well, I choose not to live in fantasy.  The younger generation should be encouraged to read about Fed recognition and State recognition.  And somehow arrive to blood quantum vs lineal descendents of Hawaii--not dizzy land! 


      "I can't stop the children of the Alii, nor can I stop the children of the missionaries from destroying the native Hawaiians.  That goes for the same with UH Manoa students that see no purpose in connecting with the poor, sick and dying native Hawaiian communities that are on a 50% plus bloodquantum." 


      Moving on to the real world would work as in get off the welfare syndrom?  And moving on to the real world with real things that can nurture our children.  So sit on the side of the road and cry, maybe a passerby will come by and listen to your story and instead of walking away give you an hand out!

      • Trespassers on Royal Families Private Properties know who they are...........they are perpetuating the Crimes supporting PIRATES ON THE HIGH SEAS.......there are many treasonous persons who assisted in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 who are NON-BLOODS, have not a drop of kanaka maoli blood and live on Hawaiian Home lands.........and it appears you don't know that penis nosed Jew Lingle "grandfathered them" to cover their butts.......they are treasonous persons, etc. supporters of  PIRATES ON THE HIGH SEAS....which does not require these people to present their genealogies, etc. or claimed by the entity State of Hawaii..........those people over time may just want to leave on their own but ?


        I could be really nasty and state a number of things that I was told but I won't go there.......even heard that you may be related to the Makua Valley residents who helped to plan the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani there is the past.........Sam Andrews sound familiar to you...he helped U.S. representative Benjamin Tracy in 1892........


        Makua Valley, although watched over by KEOHOKALOLE's people, she did so for KAMEHAMEHA III.........whose families exist...........the Military of a foreign government is tresspassing....and were given notices to stop firing DU/depleted uranium, etc.


        Evils, criminal plans were made there, and you, one of the descendants of the early missionaries/mercenaries defend your right to live there?...............the very people/Nation that your family helped is now disregarding you......and you 50% ............


        doesn't that mean that all of you guys are being screwed...you 50 percenters because you're up close to the contamination and you support the occupiers, the U.S. etc.?............or doesn't that tell you something.







  • Mahalo Michelle,


    I do my work up front and in their faces because that is the honest thing to do.  Secondly, this audience is wider and have a timeless end.  When I am gone it will continue to exist!  It gets lonely sometimes, and friends will befriend you or betray you.  They don't know any better, besides the heat temperature is higher than truth!


    UHManoa, always had their hand on the beating pulse of the native Hawaiian communities.  Their collegues too across the US continents are connecting, so it takes a lot of reading to see where they are coming from.  It was no real loss but a strategy to do a state 'recognition' instead of a fed.  Jon Van Dyke needed to control the seat of power via the state constitution, not the fed constitution.  That is the focus, Jon tampered with the 'state' constitution via John Waihee and the trilateral commission (Alvin Shim) in 1978.


    I can't stop the children of the Alii, nor can I stop the children of the missionaries from destroying the native Hawaiians.  That goes for the same with UH Manoa students that see no purpose in connecting with the poor, sick and dying native Hawaiian communities that are on a 50% plus bloodquantum. 


    When we came on board in the 70s--we wanted to embrace everyone because we thought it was the moral thing to do.  Then the non native Hawaiians got pist off about our activity and went for our jugglar veins and legalized 'abortion'.  Our na Kanaka men helped!  We did the 'Breach of Trust' with the civil commission and the non Hawaiians slammed 'Broken Trust' on our heads.  We got DHHL to give women the right to become lesee--that is how I came on the list for DHHL.  But, that came with a grave loss to our senior pure Hawaiians.  Senator Inouye put the Native Hawaiian Veterans as having first preference as in one day on the wait list for DHHL over our senior citizens housing.  This was sickening!  We have I believe one or more senior housing (bloodquantum) puka through not sure!


    We recently lost Rehabilitaion 1920 status in lieu of Recognition 1934 status at the state level!   The 1920 Rehabilitation Act ..includes Native Hawaiians (bloodquantum). Veterans and Disability which are separate Rehabilitation Act organization too. 


    I don't expect a single UHM student to risk his/her scholarships or professorships except for Dr. Haunani Trask.  She has integrity--my only regret of ten years living in the dorms at UHManoa was not taking a class from her.


    If we keep the 'bloodquantum' and the 35-50 thousand on the wait list for Hawaiian Homestead we can remain in place in Hawaii that is. But if that is not the case than it's dispora for our people.  I've already given my children the blessings to leave, should they choose to do so.  Flight is better than fight because fighting with your own family to the death is stupid!  The military will win!


    With the passing of my dad the last 'niaupio' full blood in our family, I appreciate your understanding of Haloa.  Haloa is so very sacred to me and I am fortunate that practice still exist at 1845 Maunawili Road.  The taro growing in a tub at the corner where all the babies were buried over time for me is the most sacred place in the world.  I am not sure if they died because of disease, impoverished womb, or incest--I just know that what ever reason they were cared for as the very beginning of the first man here on earth and kept in memory. 


    As Blackie said, we will be dealing with a stronger racisim problem should we loose the bloodquantum.    We now have a specific land base where non native Hawaiians are kept at an arms length, but we could loose that under the 'recognition' enrollment.  At this time, Kapolei DHHL is owned and locked in  for 30 years and I doubt the orignial lessees will have a succsorship because of the revolving door policies.  Ray Soon tried to steal our successorship thru 'pinkville', he may have won a few, but I think we are back to transfering the land back to the children again.


    Recently, Glenn Kila Principal and Clarence Delude Vice Principal both native Hawaiians were fired!  They are probably the only native Hawaiians in the entire DOE system and was fired for that reason.  They were successful in caring for the sick, poverty, native/micro population--children that nobody wanted!  But when the cash crop RTT monies showed up all the thin blood Hawaiians, abortionist, Ameri-Core saw money, career advancement, and an opportunity to have ones student loan payed for by these needy children.   


    Owners of the crown lands--250 families loath the bloodquantum because of their lineal descendant status. 


    I connect to those 800 more souls on the hill side of Nuuanu that died in that battle, and their women that was raped by the Kamehameha I and enslaved for the missionaries of the Kamehameha's.  Need to know that as I was growing up in Waimanalo, many of my classmates elementary and intermediate  was still being used as sex slaves for the non native communities.  This is a deep dark secret that we have kept to ourselves, but a lasting practice for the non native Hawaiian community.   So much for the ruling chiefs of 2011.


    Sorry don't have time for editing



  • I have to admit that I am somewhat conflicted by the quantum issue.  On the one hand, I want to embrace all Hawaiians no matter how much koko they have.  On the other hand, I see all too often how those with very little Hawaiian blood end up with the lion's share of the benefits.  Look at the student roll at Kamehameha School.  You don't see many children with Hawaiian faces or last names.  Meanwhile, the public schools are filled to the brim with children who are predominantly Hawaiian.  I would suspect that the same applies at OHA and other such organizations.


    Next, we have the sovereignty groups that want to put non-Hawaiians on a par with Native Hawaiians.  Why? Were we not betrayed and was not the Queen betrayed by her own cabinet, most of whom were not Hawaiian?  Was not our government stolen by non-Hawaiians.  Was not Honolulu invaded by troops of non-Hawaiian soldiers?  Why would I want to have the fox guard the hen house again?  If we truly believe that we are the children of Haloa and that we are therefore family, why would I want to extend the same amount of trust in people who are not members of my family.


    I know that I have taken a risk by voicing my opinions and that in this current atmosphere I will be attacked but I refuse to be silenced.  If someone has a compelling and contrary view, I hope they can enter it here without rude small minded insults. 

    • Thinking, knowing, understanding what is true Hawaiian = recognizing what Kamehameha III said/ documented, knowing your genealogies, where you came from:


      1848 -  King Kamehameha III had separated his private lands from those of the government to safeguard them from Western takeover.  In debate in the Privy Council, June 6, 1848, G.P. Judd had stated that it was necessary for the King to divide his private lands from the lands of the government because, "If no explanation of this kind is made, it will mix matters later on, and some of the foreigners will come later on and say they have an interest in the lands too." 

      Reference:  California Law Review, Vol. 63:848, Neil M. Levy - Professor Levy traces the historical displacement of Native Hawaiians from their land and explores the problems of preserving the landholdings and cultural heritage of the Native Hawaiian Community.  He suggests that the problems require legislative solutions similar to those afforded to Native Americans and Alaskan Natives.



      Note for Clarity especially for non-readers: 


                      Native Americans = tribes (land owned/warred for by America/

                                                              United States

                   Native Alaskans = tribes (land owned/claimed by Russia and

                                                          sold to America/United States


                    Kanaka Maoli/Hawaiians/Hawaiian Nationals = land owners

                                                           land owners from a Monarchy government

                                                           who are part of a friendly, neutral, NON WARRING nation, observing PIRATES, missionary, treasonous types  who did support and continue to support criminal deviants around us - documented.




                                                                  versus indoctrinated, propaganda/lies believing, Quantum pushing people


      American implemented blood quantum and the claims of "ceded" lands which is actually Crown Lands with documented owners.  The claims of "ceded" lands are PIRATED Private Properties given to people WHO HELPED TO SUPPORT THE DETHRONEMENT OF OUR QUEEN LILIUOKALANI in 1893..........


      Kaohi helps to perpetuate the CRIMES OF THE PAST, and DEFENDS PIRATES NEIL ABERCROMBIE, etc.


      Now, do your research and find the facts because former PENIS NOSED JEW LINDA LINGLE did grandfather all non-Hawaiians sitting on "Hawaiian Home lands" when she was in office.


      LINGLE or Pirate Lingle is a cousin of the Cutter's whose ancestors participated in the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani.


      Lingle hails from Texas and was part of the sugar planters FROM HAWAII who occupied large tracts of land in Mexican Territory, had the U.S. help them with their stealing (same stunt pulled in the Hawaiian Islands) and called it TEXAS.......


      All in all the true colors shows..................the Auld family are part of the MISSIONARIES/MERCENARIES and Andy Anderson's / John Dominis family appears to be related to that line, etc.  Also, Kaohi's stepmother is a JUDD, you know the treasonous JUDD family, the descendants of Parmele Judd whose descendants ALBERT FRANCIS JUDD removed/STOLE Queen Liliuokalani's important papers off of her desk, participated in dethroning the Queen in 1893, etc.



        Don't be afraid of the TRUTH, the OWNERS OF THE CROWN LANDS are the families of Kamehameha III, descendants of Kamehameha, et. als. who recognize the piracy(ies) against our Royal families, etc.        



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