We need to protect the Public Lands for the future generations.  Recent land trust deals, under the Beautification Judd plans, such as the Laura Thielan(d) Kaena Point fencing.  Native Hawaiian women from Hawaiian Homestead fought/fight until their last breath to protect ceded lands since 1974.  However, we are unable to win this fight without the support of all Hawaii citizens.  

Neil Abercrombie and PLDC on youtube.


It is a sad day for his once friends, I am sure had Ben Cayetano won the Mayor's election things would be different at the city level.  But, friends are friends and brothers are brothers, it will take outside of this circle to keep Hawaii safe from the Pacific Fleet of greed!

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  • "m not having second thoughts, but am asking other people to analyze this video and try to figure out the next step.  Liliu's home is not a place to negotiate her lands with outsider's was my point. 

    But, I have been asking some of my friends if this is to bring everyone to the center.  If one reads Nancy Caraway's thesis one can understand this phenon.  De Occupy have been doing just that at Thomas Square.  But, for all of us that have been doing this for the past 40 years, it takes constant active thinking, as well as, resources.  We have been losing lands long before the formation of OHA.  If one gained state land and lived or farmed it for 25 years one owned it in fee simple.  It happened  with the farm lots in Waimanalo and DHHL in Anahola.  

    Department of Hawaiian Homesland turned general leases into fee simple through public auction.  Have been going on since the 60s.  People that have these lands, they use to laugh in our faces!  It's time to ask these developers that John Waihee brought into his administration through Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce to exit.  We need an exist plan, our children should not have to inherit these problems, while we lay in our bed's with kaka in our depends.  

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