There was much idiocy about the Daws Act said this weekend, including the mauling over the Iolani Palace and genealogies.  Without any concern for native women and their bearing of children for the dying race over a span of many years since 1923, this weekend was appalling.  It is sad that people regurgitate these senseless weaves to debunk the hard work of many native Hawaiian women.

Yes, it is sad that native Hawaiian women had to bear the nation under severe conditions of the Daws Act.  But, did we ever gain health, safety and shelter during those years from our counter-parts?  I can assure you the answer is no!  Not only this insane need base was formed, but it was formed for the general public to continue to rape native Hawaiian women and their children--sadly just for the joy of it.  I truly don't know the answers, I doubt if there is any.  

Naue is just that case in point--Naue burials and desecration mirrors the general lessees of Department of Hawaiian Homes and it's continuation of rape, pillage and-in death of women and children.  

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs did not care for those native Hawaiians living on Hawaiian Homestead, I can assure you the real truth is--if anything OHA created poverty since it's inception.  Billie Beamer the once Director of DHHL and a Lt. Governor candidate, had the right step in the right direction, however, her notions of what native Hawaiian women's role on Hawaiian Homestead was totally missing from her frontal lobe.  In truth she had no concept of the conditions of what native Hawaiian women was living under over a length of time since the programs inception from the time of Prince Kuhio and John Wise.  Today that problem still persist in the minds of so-called leaders.  Unfortunately, unable to change the minds in an open forum, it was best to go home defeated in battle and prepare for another battle.  

One clear thought and that is RIMPAC will be doing nuke exercise in Hawaii beginning Friday and that is on the very minds of the elderly that lived through those years of WWII.  Young people are too concern about things like TV, fashion and the latest tech.  We neglected to have evening talks about the health and safety of their bodies.  Our environment will be violated during these RIMPAC exercises and there is no one holding these military nations in check.  

Our children will pay dearly for our mistakes.  To not speak up and share the right issues with our Na Kupuna and to cause a delay on issues of concern, I truly don't know how to get out of this cave.  My freedom is too dear to me to act out foolishness of temple rituals.  If our Kahuna was here--he would have a fit and with his finger point to the stupidity of his own haumanas.  He would demand the po'o to think of the people first and than one's ego.  That has not change today, just because one lacks the discipline of temple rituals and serving the people.  

I thank the Na Kupuna for sharing their time with us and to sit all day in light of the 'bad' talk, I want them to know that their presence this week end at the Iolani Palace was so majestic.  

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