I wish I could say at this moment that the five member commissioners are not real. I was at both US Presidents hand picked commissioners meetings. It was seriously ugly!
Mankiller was still alive and since she has past the new head of Native American Tribal leader supports 'Recognition' and tribal 'roll'.
And worst yet, the Records at the Bureau of Conveyancy is unprotected from theft and distructing souls.
Many smart Anglo's and business type researcher's are making monies of these rolls and Hawaii is just as vulnerable even more now that the Act 195 has past!
What I forgot to say many native american leaders have been at the commissioners meetings, those that was pushing 'recognition' over Independence, Hawaiian Kingdom, etc...
I barely got through President Reagan commissioners meetings because most of it was done in private. I am not willing to do this again.
One need to start conducting meetings in your communities. At this time there is no boundaries, inclusive indentities, and our narratives are being blocked on Maoliworld by people that are not Kanaka!!!!!