I have the film and I could come to your place of meeting should you have the equipment set up to watch this film--this can be arranged.  Pono Kealoha can be a go-between for a cooperative point of contact.  So feel free to call Pono to arrange the right equipment.


Nuclear catastrophe is an important understanding especially from the standpoint of incidents in the Pacific Islands and the people. This film depicts real scientist not the pseudo ones that have procurment contracts.


Our waterways are a serious concern for orign source points and how we induce the nano particles.  That is just one way of entry into our bodies.  This is a condense film.  Or, if one wants a private copy I believe I can arrange that too.  Or again, one can get a copy of your own by going to 'Poison Dust' in New York and purchase a copy.  There are two different ones I only have one and was not able to arrange yet the second one. 


Please realize this is not about making money for personal use--this is about getting the information out there so that we can all try to protect ourselves from having to live with the usage of energy without nuclear or oil. 


Waianae has the highest BTU's so therefore we are being abused and inundated with different types of corporations trying to harness our sun rays through genocidal acts--such as poison dust. 


This film is dense so if one chooses to view this film --you should be prepared to sit and listen with full consciousness and focus.  I've watched it several times, and still need to watch it to reach of point of full understanding as to why things are happening.

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  • As soon as I am able to I will give it to Pono for distribution to anyone that wants to see quality work by real scientist and conscious people of humanity talks to people about the dangers of Nuclear Isotopes.  Easy to understand for anyone that can sit through a whole hour of great information that might just save lives. 
  • With the spread of 'isotopes' in Japan which is a grave concern for whole populations of people.  Japan was impacted by Nagasaki and Hiroshima blasting--that is different.  The spread of this type of 'isotopes' through waterways is a different concern.  We induce the nano particles through our nose and mouths thus causing these nuclure particles to manifest in our bodies.  I was told by Ku Ching that worked for Atomic Energy Authorities that the nuclear particles that are induced different from impact cannot be removed or coughed up.  It latches on to our cells and causes fatal death eventually.

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