I get to wonder the community again doing what I was doing at the age of five , helping people :feeding homeless, teaching literacy, and traveling Mexico, Alaska, New Orleans etc..
I don't do well in the closet mode. It makes dizzy, besides the cyber space is a world mold and although, I am not much of a game'er, I like to accessorize the space in the constant change.
A change will come....
with all this big talk about APEC and all. why is it that the 100% native hawaiian people of ni'ihau have not had input into the process? i have noticed that the 100% Hawaii blood quantum folks (those who are actually almost black in skin color) have not had ANY representation in any of this statehood vs sovereignty, questionably. why are the almost "hapa all-white folks" excluding the almost "all-black people"? get mad if ya want to...but before you do ./..answer my questions! i want a KING and Queen. i want them to look like The Great King and The Great Queen! i don't trust white people or any that want to be white. fuck dis shit! it's time somebody said something about the hypocrisy of blood quantum and how everybody wanna just dodge the question. when the native hawaiians of ni'ihau came to the convention center last summer. they were totally ignored by the "activists"!! i saw outward signs of racism. i hate that shit! tell me what we gonna do about restoring the full-blooded, then i will go to prison a happy man, protesting and demanding like a true brother of the cause. viva la revolution....viva freedom!!!
Here is my response:
I command you for your bravery Mark! One can begin with 'stupidity' and work your way up the totem pole or the magnetic polls for answers. Or, try to begin by looking at the very people you hang (hung) with!
They are all new to the Hawaiian movement, and intruth it's either a career goal and or lonely club.
Look even closer--the (Hawaiian) US military veterans came into the fold during the protest against the bombing of Kahoolawe. The Life of the Land environmentalist turned a healthy thriveing homeless into hopeless, These two combinations praised the formation of the Akaka Bill and hid behind walls of social problems, some made money for their causes too. What's so horribly nasty is the prisoners got caught in the matrix.
Here is my sell out, if these yoyo's can save one or more native Hawaiians from public hangings (strange fruits), what choices do I have?
My second sell-out, the Niihau'ians, I do not get too close to them either! Canadians, Christian, fear-factor all are strong elements of the social fabric of the people of Niihau. If I have the energy to get passed the suck-in, only then, do I engage with Niihau. Or, I am an artist and I like to engage in a conversation with them over their craft work and sometimes I am successful in getting passed the dogma and ask real questions for the truth about their living conditions. How is it according to some studies that they have the highest rate per group for diabetes It's a perplexing question? A need to know, to be a Niihau'ian means a mixture of all Pacific Islanders--their language (true language) is invalidated by the modern version at UH Manoa.
As for the pure blood Hawaiians, it lays in the muck of disrespecting Hawaiian culture (shame) and progressive economics. As author Said says, one cannot go back and reclaim your culture and call it true--something like that. So the wannah bees, go buzzing along and sometimes the sting hurts. The Bloodquatum is exactly that! I live/raised on Hawaiian homestead and one needs to carry a bee sting antidote as essential to the cause.
Your insights are true, but I believe your need for social and personal friendship does not allow you to go any further than the blackness of ones skin. And I don't think the 'coconut' works here or exist in this talk! Do not slit your throat--stay engaged through your beautiful smiles and kindness. But, if you are going to jump off the face of the earth--get a bigger game!
I suspect one is feeling the hypocrisy or the betrayal and truly are refusing to go along with the status quo for the 'suffarage and pain' of too much whining women and wimpy na kanaka kane's.
On the Hawaiian Homestead, we have lots of pure Hawaiian men and women and some children too. However, it is our own people that are misusing their presence. As if they are the cash crop, something to abuse, or frailty in their old age therefore costly in money and time or Social Security check not enough to feed the grandchildrens. Our young youths abuse their grandparents down to the bones! When you replace your culture for another just because--the affects can be devastating.
As for the APEC, I led the last ADB from Ala Moana to Kapiolani Park. I won't do it again this time. As for the 'I' thing it's true, but it was because of the weakened security, strategic moves in the march, and our pure Hawaiian (Uncle Walter) in his battery charged chair that we were able to lead everyone down the yellow brick road to safety! As for your activist friends they hid in the crowd.
The activist friends, are the product of John Wise, and Prince Kuhio one needs to know and connect the post overthrow and how Kapiolani'ians stole from the Chiefs system and made like the authority and went into an agreement with the missionaries in the Organic Act. And went oops, we fucked up! Went back to the white man's manifest destiny James Polk stuff and recreated the Mexican war and their white whores from Europe--sorry didn't mean to go way out in lala land--refocusing, at that time popular "Rehabilitation Act'. There were three of them at that time: Disability, Veterans, and Native Hawaiians.
So all the hoop-dah-la on the Akaka Bill, it's the 'whore shame', cash cropping (SB 1520), and genocide all in one political size end game. On the light side, when our people relearn standard English and their language (Niihau style) and combine the two in UH Manoa Hawaiian Language, I believe only than can we truly communicate fully with each other. In the mean time, love to talk dah kine words with my community which is at the moment true language with humanity and native Hawaiians. Teaching Language Arts (which I suck at it in real life) is my everyday learning and teaching duty to my people. So that they could voice their critical stance in their own observable voice to the world. On this note that is what the true reason for protesting the APEC for a voice in the world!
As for my burning passion on the bloodquantum, I hate it--but I can't stop it either because of the years of conditioning that actually works on the inside. I don't think the missionaries expected it to work that well--so they send in activist to infiltrate and debunk native Hawaiian women with children even to the point of death, or genocide (soft pedal). Genocide is an academic word and Act 302 reflects your activist friends of friends hidden agendas! In my opinion what one experienced at the conference. Don't allow the 'blind-sidedness' of your friend's need for career maintenance get to you! Just be who you are cause I get your truth without spoken words.
In my opinion, just lay down the astro turf on the Iolani Palace grounds and enjoy the music every Jan 16 and let Lulu Bell Hawaiian Civic Clubbers waggle their olo's for the world to see their hypocrisies. For the sake of the children let's have a peaceful ending with APEC! I believe Bob Erb of Kapiolani Park Homeless advocate wants to also protest the lies of the APEC.
Take care!