This Kupuna laid in his diaper one early morning, and 30 enforcement from Department of Hawaiian Homestead knocked on his door and told his wife they have 15 minutes to vacate their house.  In shock this kupuna was pushed off his bed and hoisted on to his wheel chair and wheeled  out of his home.  As he was being rolled down the drive way, in a state of shock, he wanted to live (die) in the garage.

I am so ashamed that we allowed this 'hewa' to happen in our community.  Too many irresponsible Hawaiians exist in governments, and activist organization.  

Regardless of your position in the government, activism for a cause--all is lost when one excepts the allowable role to kick an old person to the curb.  Kanaka never turned a stupid  ship away that was in distress from their ocean voyage.  A Kupuna as far as I know always comforted a crying child.  

Neglecting this Kupuna on his last breathing days is beyond human decency.  There is no natural or man made disaster-- only a pure state of Kepaloa in the crevices of our hearts and minds.  No Kane Kupuna laying in bed in his diaper with kaka should be rolled down his driveway in a wheelchair just because, the Hawaii State government wants him leave his house in 15 minutes.  

I am more than beside myself!

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