I am blessed to have this companion from womb to this very moment in time and space. In this continuity, I also had the flora and the fauna at the very tips of my fingers. Although wretched for some people, I grew up in a mono community which was somewhat a beautiful collective of essential principles that was there for one to experience. And on this pillar of life I drew much of what I sense and know.
Only after, I gave to my community what it is sustains by--children; I was then able to enter college. Where it housed rows and rows of reading material--my personal heaven, freedom, and the right to reason! I did crave for the truth grounds in which I knew and too, the essential tools to filter only with what are necessary for children to carry the size of pea-pebble in their future.
Believing in this journey and setting aside family celebrations two days out and two days in one ventured to gather the simplistic pea-pebble. There was a fourth set of my Na Kupuna that I had spent time listening-- whom were they? They were our first people's spiritual leaders! Admittedly, I was very resistant to being near any spiritual leaders of ancient worship, not because I did not believe or even want to participate in believing. I was just plain tired of the Anglo-Saxon abuses of imposing their Christianity beliefs--my every being was Christian. There was no connecting to my spirit that wiggled inside the very marrow of my bones. There was no depth and height in beauty. What one sensed were wars everywhere spilling over onto my ancestors land and the different levels above my head.
The Henrys’ of the dark ought not to dictate 'unity' to anyone-- let alone children! A glimpse into a puddle of urine does not reflect the light to anyone's dream world. Lighter skin tone does not blanket the grounds in which children play on. It's best to place these fleas on the backside of a dog!
My Tupuna lived in nature for thousands of years! There was no drifting off and be a hermit to learn nature for a couple of years. Or, cohabitate near native Hawaiian communities and seek out women with children and suddenly it's an 'ohana' happening. Attempting to know the human spirit in two days or two years is nothing but causal for rear ending stories that goes on and on that only a military navel can contractually adhere. My ancestors 'piko' is unlike the mindset of the bell ringing on July 4th. The 'lolo' heads that fastens their girdle to the beat of the tum tum (Anglo-Saxon laws for Indians) loses his spirit, and lack thereof. Our spiritual Tupuna never detached themselves from their ancestors. This was a given.
Henry's 'ideals' of volunteer and weak men are hardly humorous when seeking control. Botched up contractual agreements are hardly what I call doing good business with people of the Pacific. Today's poverty in Hawaii was a clear intent on the part of the continental Henry's. To labor the native's at gun point and access natural resources are/were the 'risk' factors of human control. Anglo-Saxon's beliefs to blood suck from a full blood breath of life was their means to luxury.
This was not a romantic date! Crossing the dateline from 2011 to 2012 does not reel in the Humuhumunukunukuapua’a for a fantasy story that feeds hungry children. The question is how many lives will be lost in wars? Will Clyde Namuo factor in the large numbers in his next job or the average? Do I wish Mr. Namuo luck for the sake of simplicity or call it like it is? It seems to me I've been down this road before with the newly 'abortion Hawaiian law 1972...' the Women League of Voters 1978 (OHA) and the 1923 blood quantum! In the accord of Full-Blooded and True-Hawaiians do we really exist? In the intent of the 'Law of Large Numbers' are we basically going Hawaiian Avatar in 3-D?
Anyone wants a pea size pebble for your stone soup?