• Ice is a form of methamphetamine that can be
smoked. It is a white, odorless, bitter-tasting crystal.
Ice is also known as “crystal meth,” “crystal,” “crank,”
“go-fast,” “tweak,” “glass,” “shabu” and “batu.”
• Ice and meth are powerfully addictive stimulants
which dramatically eff ect the central nervous system.
Th ey are made in secret “meth labs.” Toxic waste
from these labs is very damaging to the beautiful
land of Hawai´i.
• Ice is the drug of choice of Hawai´i and is thought to
be the most signifi cant drug threat.
• Per person, Hawai´i has the highest population of
ice users in the nation. • The short-term effects of ice are increased
activity, decreased appetite and a rush. The effects
of ice can last 12 hours or more. After the initial
“rush,” most people become very agitated or
annoyed, which can lead to violent behavior.
• Ice has toxic effects. In animals, a single dose of
the drug has been shown to damage parts of the
brain. High doses can raise body temperature to
dangerous, sometimes deadly levels, and may
also cause convulsions.
• The long-term effects can be irreversible. Users
may show violent behavior, extreme mood
swings, anxiety and confusion. Memory gaps
and an inability to sleep are additional side
effects. Users can also display a number of
psychotic features, including paranoia, hearing
things that are not real, and delusions (such as
the feeling of insects crawling on the skin). This
can result in homicidal and suicidal thoughts.
Long-term effects also include increased heart
rate and blood pressure; brain, liver, kidney
and lung damage; damaged blood vessels in the
brain. Damaged blood vessels in the brain can
cause strokes or irregular heartbeat, which can
result in heart failure and death.
© 2005 ABLE International. All Rights Reserved. NARCONON and the Narconon “Jumping
Man” design mark are trademarks and service marks owned by Association for Better Living and
Education International. Printed in Canada. ABLE Item 2037d
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