I am praying that I am not being jealous and I can get passed my own super ego on this one. I am proud of the artisans that took the initiative to do the art work in the lobby. But why do I feel 'betrayed' or junk!
Our ancestral gods that I take very deeply, is depicted as tourist trinkets, mix match mayhem, just plain ole stuff (stuffing in a teddy bear). My house is a mess, so I should look their first before I critic our brothers and sisters--don't you think so?
So, why am I still upset!
What gives these artisans the right to dildo with warts, messy borders with (native American-Spanish drawings) that looks sad, mean, and adult-child like. My most scary deep critic is Ku lack of Kane smooshed together. Hina on the slant of the eve, like with Belau (naked legs spread) or kine rafters where John Kneubuhl talks about piko and the rat and satan.
What is wrong! Did we lose our self-respect, did I become too cynical to see their aesthetics? Where is the respect for sacred grounds, their people, and the future generation. There is no 'hopper' for the future generations, just rats and satan. Waianae is barren with rocks, the bowl lights looks like a negative rainbow.
Whoever was in control of the organization had devious intentions! What's the difference with the Waimanalo landfill and this lobby?
Our artisans are deserving of a better context for their art work! Our children deserve their fiction in color. Waianae deserve more than just rocks and stolen water. And our people deserve to not be depicted as slaves in the lobby! Sort of like the Department of Education where Hawaiians are janitors, teachers are from the east coast, and the admin made up of progressive migratiors of the past.
If you think I'm disgustingly depressing go check it out for yourselves. What the hell happened to 'Lilo and Stich! Have you ever been to theme parks in Arizona that's what the grounds look like. False rocks, only painted more brown to match the color of my skin!!!! I didn't see the usual geckos on the rocks nor did I see the snakes either like with what you would see in Arizona them parks. But, I must say John Kneubuhl had the culture myth correct in his forward of his book!
Ugh!!!! I did what I don't like to do and that is to abuse our beautiful artisans. They deserve better treatment from corporations and their satan, first sin, ill steeples church hotel!!!!!