Staying on top of Child Pornography is one ugly issue that hits home in native Hawaiian communities.  Breaking through this industry takes guts and Nancy Caraway has no hold backs on confronting this issue.  The second issue is Human Trafficking in Hawaii.  In fact, she has confronted these major issues head on.  I'm not much on white feminist writings because it has a tendency to belittle women of color and their voice, but then who doesn't squash native women voices.  This is an unfair statement. 

     Elated to read that Caraway entered higher education institute in the seventies for these were the pivotal years for women to choose education or welfare.  Native Hawaiian women were choosing educational goals as there way out of poverty.  But, even during those times it was difficult years for native Hawaiian women higher education goals meant negligent.  Families had to endure hardships even to the point of accepting death of family members and educational debt.  So, I am not all too surprise to read about her accomplishments which are related issues to native Hawaiian families.  

     What's most important at this time is to try and understand Human Trafficking and how this horrible behavior had an effect on our native Hawaiian communities.  Native Hawaiian children were sent abroad and adopted out to families on the mainland.  We need to hold the 'State' accountable for this atrocity.  What was done to native Hawaiian children during the last governor's eight year term had a devastating effect on native Hawaiian families, their culture and tremendous more years of pain and suffering that will last for many generations to come.


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  • Returning to this posting for editing,


    I was in such a rush to post like all other postings, that I thought it would be right to return and edit anything that I might have said that was not correct.


    What I'm asking myself as I am rereading, how could I have missed this part "Human Trafficking" it is very much a deep concern of mine.


    About Dr. Nancie Caraway

    imageNeil is married to Dr. Nancie Caraway, an award-winning author and authority on international human trafficking. At the request of the Obama Administration, Dr. Caraway currently serves as a consultant to U.S. Ambassador Luis C. de Baca in the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. She also serves as a mentor at the East-West Center’s Asia-Pacific Leadership Program, guiding the research of students in human rights, political science and women’s rights in Asia.

    “Hawaii Has Given Me Everything”

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