The following is standard and I too have some difficulties with this and often times, I too on Maoliworld fail to reach the rubric.  My LA skills are weak and I know that, however, it is different when teaching--to hold students to these standards is a task we all grapple with each day of our lives.  


Too many local kids, in the Hawaiian Communities do not rise out of the doldrums of ignorance out of pure meanest and laziness.  It's much easier to be a bully and get a lot of attention!!!! Their mothers are on welfare checks, their fathers are either incarcerated or out on the couch.  Their grandparents are on disability checks on the side of the road because they can't feed their grandchildren and attend to their medical treatments.  


I feed the houseless because it's to bring light and hope to someone and to try and prevent the next generation from living on the streets.  But, who in the hell cares really?  Or, how can one care when one exploits the Na Kanaka and collect their welfare checks!  And raise the next generation on welfare.  It's time to wake up to the reality that we are all struggling to go to work and stay on top of the issues that has a devastating affect on the future generation?



HCPS III Benchmarks (Click the benchmark code for a recommended materials report) :

 10.1.1 Vocabulary and Concept Development
Use new grade-appropriate vocabulary, including content area vocabulary, learned through reading and word study
 10.3.1 Interpretive Stance
Use multiple interpretations of text to support or modify own opinion
 10.3.2 Critical Stance
Describe independently how a literary text is related to historical and cultural themes and issues
 10.3.3 Literary Elements
Explain how genre conventions and literary devices support an author's message and purpose
 10.4.1 Range of Writing
Write in a variety of grade-appropriate formats for a variety of purposes and audiences, such as:
• narratives or scripts with a theme and details that contribute to a mood or tone
• poems using a range of poetic techniques and figurative language in a variety of forms
• literary, persuasive, and personal essays
• research papers that state and support a thesis
• functional writing including forms, applications, and questionnaires
• pieces to reflect on learning and to solve problems
 10.4.2 Grammar and Mechanics
Use knowledge of sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling to produce grade-appropriate writing in standard English
 10.4.4 Citing Sources
Use quotations and citations in writing to achieve effective balance between researched information and original ideas
 10.5.1 Meaning
Establish a controlling focus that guides the reader to the intended insight, message, or thesis of the piece
 10.5.2 Design
Use an organizational structure that creates fluency between ideas, links ideas to the message, and creates the desired impression
 10.5.3 Clarity
Use a variety of sentence structures and grade-appropriate vocabulary to achieve efficiency, indicate emphasis, clarify meaning

Discussion and Presentation
Participate in a small group (e.g., plan sessions, decide on procedures, plan sessions, assign responsibilities, evaluate results)


Topic Media Comprehension and Interpretation
Benchmark LA.10.6.8 Describe the effects of style and language choice in visual media
Sample Performance Assessment (SPA) The student: Describes the effect on viewers of specifics styles (e.g., long-shots to show isolation, rapid editing in television commercials) and language (e.g., words in headlines that grab readers' attention) in visual media. 
Advanced Proficient Partially Proficient Novice
Evaluate, in clear and precise detail, the effects of style and language choice in visual media  Describe, in detail, the effects of style and language choice in visual media  Describe, in some detail, the effects of style and/or language choice in visual media  Describe, in minimal detail, the effects of style and/or language choice in visual media 


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