The pre 1700's through 1800's land division was done by metes and bounds metes and bounds:(meets and bounds) n. a surveyor's description of a parcel of real property, using carefully measured distances, angles, and directions, which results in what is called a "legal description" of the land, as distinguished from merely a street address or parcel number. Such a metes and bounds description is required to be recorded in official county record on a subdivision map and in the deeds when the boundaries of a parcel or lot are first drawn.

Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.
My explanation is fuzzy...
I kicked google map-earth out of my community for many reasons one being safety!  But, not quick enough.  If one takes an address from my homestead one can go directly to my driveway and mailbox.  Anglo's will use these methods for conquest.
Throughout Polynesia and Micronesia there were responsible high minded elders that carried out the old traditional way, and one of them being the boundaries of districts.  The capitalism and traditional first people are two different types.  Capitalism for ownership and sales--whereas native traditions went with the stars, moons, and anything that is flora and fauna.  1845 Maunawili Road is flora and fauna, rock layed in orderly design for boundaries to separate the heavens, haloa, human habitate, stream care, agriculture etc...these boundaries are still intact. 
My battles were seriously constricted: Judds, sick genealogist and military psychopath during this time. 
I admit it was difficult to get around these specks of dust as I proceeded to spread my dad's ashes, care for his iwi, and guide the younger generation from their roots to their 21st century.  Aunty Annies pre death and now post death was overlapping my dad's funeral arrangements.  As I asked my Master Carver for an Umeke to house my dad's spirit, I stopped in Haleiwa to speak to my cousin where I learned of the up coming sweep at the harbor.
And too, Joshua left in my care without papers also overlapped the already existing problems.
Native Hawaiian practicianers have to swivel quickly between the dying, death and the very young in traditional truths and values in these contemporary times.  Music helps, however, one needs to be mindful too. 
I don't know how to conclude this 'talk' except to say that I told Alapaki Nahale-a, DHHL at the Mckinley Cafe town meeting that as a beneficary, "I want to evict the military from Pohakuloa" and Jim Albertini responded: Mahalo Luwella,
"The eviction notice to the military on Hawaiian Lands is long overdue." Jim 

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  • Pay Pal and Cyber Space fraud will be the next leading business due to Act 195.
  • Haloa is still practiced at 1845 Maunawili Road.  Secondly, the rose bush still grows in the yard.  And lastly, Liliu's stone where she layed down on near the stream still exist in its place. 
    Reply by Kaohi on July 4, 2011 at 2:58pm

    Mahalo for your kind words.  It was because of Pono Kealoha and his kind heart that I was able to deepened my attention to my dad.

  • sharing with people 1845 Maunawili Road was part of my roots and intending to try and give a bit or real history to anyone that was open to the real world.
  • Sharing the old meets and bounds with others was something I did for the future generation.  As a geographer, I understand the difference between Hawaiian rockwalls and Hawaiian Kingdom boundaries and its transference to TMK's.  My roots exist with iwi and rock wall boundaries at this address--1845 Maunawili Road.  Liliu use to come to this place and meet Joseph Aea.  This was never really shared outside of our family until recently.  Sharing my dads place with others was important to me before he died, in hopes that our family stories could be shared with the younger generation.
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