....on native Hawaiian women and their children. It took the Democrat Party to stop the abuses. Not that they were any better, but at least the cruelty stopped! Or, their was a chance of it stopping.
The Republicans their Organic Act and penal colony style of governing was very trying for native Hawaiian women and their children. Today, the Democrat's are following in the foot steps of the old oligarchy and possibly even worsening the grounds.
From my stand point, I believe the Democrat's can be worked down to it's pure spirit providing that you call them out on their grounds. In other words their is a little bit of humanity once you get past the career mongrels and their loads of ignorance.
The 'progressive' notions will always be their 'sins' if I might use that word in the light of expansionism. So, one must be savy and watchful too!
I've known 200 years of history by aina presence at the heavy hand of the puritans. Native Hawaiian women and their children cannot survive the Republican abuses!
During the 60's and the 70's, I did experience native Hawaiian women work their political intent on the Democrat's and did find relief from the Republican party abuses.
But, don't forget their is still that bi-partisan cooperation for their progressive deep back pockets too! If you are too lazy to process this and prefer the 'sick' track that is your 'Kuleana'. At one point, one needs to make decisions at the risk level--just at what native Hawaiian women did back in the 60s and the 70s.
I believe that political process, although trying, is much better than the extreme views of the recently established cowards of 'KGB' against the Democratic Party. Nor will I ever support the military built up in the Pacific. So, one has to balance the fights, resources, and the ability to educate and take a critical stance. In addition to the previous--one has to continue the critical stance by research, forums and debates. What brings me there is about a future in Hawaii not just for Hawaii's people--but mainly for native Hawaiians living in their own ancestral space.
Our natural environment that our ancestors walked and cared for is pretty much the basis of this talk. I know no other system of humanity except for what our people have done in the past 2,000 years. How does that fit in the future depends on our spiritual practices to our ancestors and their spiritual prayers to their natural intent. We may read a lot of wars, and things but with clear 'look and see' one would see the beauty of our people's hand to aina works that super impose god like effects. One just needs to look!
I'm over it for now, but will never ever see the light on what the Republican Party did to native Hawaiian women!
One can start with haloa and work it's way through the Kamehameha Battles upon his people with the help of the anglo's and their Hawaiian army!
Oppressing native Hawaiian women and their children for the past 200 years was, to me, a cowardly act!
Know who these people are and take a stance to stop the genocide at every turn in the political processes! Sometimes the war is right in front of your eyes! Do serve your people and their families well by reasoning ones thoughts and spirits in the line of what our ancestors did on their aina!