Billy Richards birthday and he being on facebook, I believe it is important to get to know this person. On his site one has a lot of video's with Mau that one can ponder and learn about voyages. Brother's carry a heavy burden throughout their lives, some more than others.
My brother Marshall was the child named for the evacuation of the Marshallese from their islands because of nuclear testing. My grandfather wanted us to remember what had happened to the people during that time period. In any given daily news paper 1948 on one can read a lot about the islanders concern for nuclear testing and what damages it can do to our people. Specifically the children was the concern. My brother was born in the year 1951--an important understanding the mentality of the 40s. My mother had to abort her baby girl between me and my brother. Being a Christian and missionary cut of the cloth, this was devastating to her. My mother never got mentally well from this experience, although she went on to have my brother and two other children. Brother was a high fever baby always needed to be watched.
As one reflect on our older brother and my birthday brother today, I think about Mau, the voyages and how things are, were, and what we learned from experiences of our past Na Kupuna as well those that are still with us.
I don't have a great attitude towards anything that goes on now a days, as a matter of fact--I am super cranky most times. So, it's time to take notice of life and where I am going with my writing on Maoliworld.
The feud is still going on with Henry because of his tacticle need to continue his nasty acts even after death through his close friends. It's imperative to note that I have not backed down from the 'genocide' that our people go through on a daily basis. I am speaking for those that are native Hawaiian with 50% plus bloodquantum living on DHHL as well as on the waiting list to be 'rehabilitated' on to their aina that was set aside by Prince Kuhio and John Wise. And, I am speaking to those that opposes the 'bloodquantum' with a vengence and have nothing better to do in life except to join the opposing systems--mainly the military.
There are many questions to ponder about: of that 200,000 acres how much of it is occupied by non native Hawaiians such as military, other state agencies, and the general public? Why is the wait list consisting of 40,000 families? Why are developers building our homes when we can build our own? Why is the wait list no longer first come first served? Why are those that can afford it get it first? How many children from this list of successors attend public schools? How many attend private schools? And the worst question to ask--how many children are defined by the McKinney-Vento Act whose parents are on the wait list? How many of these children eventually became a drop-out, not just from high school, but from life and onto the streets. DHHL recently reduced our housing needs to a Kauhale to solve the housing problems for native Hawaiians that are 50% plus bloodquantum. I am talking about a fishing shack which was every where on the beaches when I was growing up. That is a step backwards in time!
Have a nice day!