What is missing from the 'State' versus the Hawaiian Nationals is their history. I support Gay and their marriages--but not the 'Sickness' of the human mind. When Nationals talk against the 'State' they lack the values of a family matter because their 'ideals' are confronted after 1893 and not any sooner. Lacking in the understanding of a full history leaves much confusion when one is actively protesting. In the pre-planning and postness of a confrontation all minds are narrowed and broaden. It is history that is entangled into modernity. Participants that are young, heterosexual (with family) time is precious and this group are negligent in their expression. It leaves the family unit in vulnerabilities of a free and open society to sick behavior. My talk is not about gay bashing it is strickly 'human trafficking' that needs to be understood.
Turning the tables around into spin zones are lacking in perspective of who we are. Na Kanaka soicety are a male to male or female to female society. Heterosexual in the Na Kanaka community is a 19th century phenomenon and rightfully so. Why? The missionaries were limiting for they acted upon their intentions of recreating a heterosexual society some of the time, in other words, only when it suited their economics and not necessarily their worship. My contentions are that not until 1825 did Na Kanaka community revoutionize their society. This was due to the missionaries and their Christian indoctrination. Both societies were closed Na Kanaka and Missionaries and one debunked the other. Prince Kuhio and John Wise came along and 'punked' both the male to male and female to female Na Kanaka society. They did this in a 'State' format. Perplexing as this may sound, it is my contention that bearing women of children needs protection.
The bloodquantum separated the gay community from heterosexual community to protect children from the sickness of an open soical society that mixed children rather than protect them from 'modern' adult communities. This is not in anyway gay bashing. This is about Na Kanaka not protecting their child bearing women and their children. An open society is one thing but open to sick men that have no contribution to modern day societal norms which I'm sure the university minds will argue in a vacumm to their unbias version of 'norms'.
To narrow ones argument to 'postering children' in ones campaign doesn't really broaden nor does it deepen'thought process' to its arguments. In truth, it's purely disgusting and open to children pornography.
Dr. Nancy Caraway is way ahead of her time and someone that I should have knonw to have existed since her writtings in 1985, I believe that was her start dates to protecting bearing women and their children from 'sick societal behaviors such as 'Human trafficking' in Hawaii.
This 'sick' human behavior was actually prevelant in the Na Kanaka community pryor to Christianity in Hawaii. And if one looks even closer the businessmen 'Mark Twain folks' one will locate many written text on child endangerment. Maoliworld is wreaking with such mind set is my point! Why? Because we have not fully understood the reasons of 200 thousand acres being set aside for native Hawaiians with 50% plus bloodquantum. This is a small and tiny action on the part of two men and the United States Congress or shall I say 'Monarch' and 'State' to protect child bearing women and their children.
According to the Nationals (need citation) both Monarch and State are fakery. That leaves bearing women and their children up for abuses in an open society. I say National activist, however, right they seem are pawning their 'bearing women and their children' to sick minded activisim. Time and economics are no excuses for such pandering of activism in the hopes that the Hawaiian Kingdom exist by virtue of the President of the United States.
In every frontal confrontation Maoliworld are left open to 'Child Porn' in the aftermath of activism. That has been my very first concen when I first started participating on this cyber space forum.
Dr. Nancy Caraway is a wife, a Professor, a researcher and a person with absolute double contention against 'Child endangerment' why would I want to belong to a friendlyHawaiian Kingdom nation that counters human decency.
Nationals from this point on can just go straight to hell!!! Either Nationals pull up your stops of endangering children or be part of my wrath.
This is and old article, however, it should be reread and a fire should be lit under it. Here in Waianae this is the 'norm' and a difficult story that I live each day at work. Joshua's (friend) little sister is home, however, she could be returned to the system because the system is treacherous and unkind at most times without hope.
Black children lost to the foster care system in Hawaii
Imagine this...three African American siblings under the age of twelve locked in the foster care system in Hawaii. A black mother, filled with worry, who is caught up in a cultural web, not understanding why her children can’t come home. Her hopes for reunification have become a distant dream that seems unattainable.
This story begins in Waianae, Hawaii. A black single mother moves to Waianae, why is unknown. No one moves to Waianae without a reason, especially, if you are African American. It is not a place where aloha spirit overflows for blacks. But this single mother brought her three children from New York City to Waianae. She said she was looking for a better life for her children but when she's pressed for more solid answers she's mum, however, one can hear in her eyes that she was on the run from something or someone.
All children should thrive; however, these children did not. In the isolated and alienated community of Waianae they found nothing but trouble. The black population is only .08% in Waianae and although it is a mixed race community the “n” word is well known here. Whether the locals were introduced to the word through rap music or TV these three children were battered constantly by the “n” word. Their self-worth became nil, they became victims and their childhood lost forever.
The three children, two boys and one girl are now in the Hawaii foster care system. They are in danger of losing their cultural heritage and their humanity. The gatekeepers have deemed that the one person who loves them, their mother, is the enemy. Instead of reunification efforts or family therapy the system wants to permanently remove them from their mother.
In 2006, there were 2,355 children in out of home care in Hawaii, according to the state fact-sheet Hawaii’s Children 2009; 9.7 percent were white, 70.0 percent were black, 4.3 percent were Hispanic, 0.2 percent were Alaska natives and 85.1 percent were classified as other. Hard to imagine 70% of black children in Hawaii are in foster care. The overall percentage of blacks in Hawaii is only 1.8%. The percentage for adoption, kinship care or placing black children with permanent families is .01 percent.
Is there any chance for reunification for the three black children from New York? It may be slim to none. Zena Oglesby, founder of the Institute for Black Parenting, says “our black kids are going into the system and not coming out and there is no emphasis on preserving families, a single-minded emphasis on taking kids away from parents and relegating them to foster care, where caseloads have skyrocketed, along with foster-family child abuse.” In Hawaii a tragedy is in progress for a mother who was seeking a safer life with her children.
As with every story there are always two sides but CPS (child protective services) and the foster care system in the U.S. is under fire; some agencies for not acting swiftly enough to protect children, some for “ kid-jacking” and others for lack of compassion and inexperienced staff. No matter the reason, children, all children regardless of race, should be reunited with their parents whenever possible. Sometimes it is not possible, but whatever the case may be, it should not take a huge chunks of time out of children's lives to make the most important decision for their future.
Helping untrained parents learn parenting skills, working with children to unlearn manipulative behaviors, providing anger management classes and moving families into therapy should be a number one priority so families can explore every possibility of reunification.
Edited Graphic Image: Original: Medusa/Dreamtime.com
Linda Lingle and the supporting Gay community went into fury with the Akaka Bill because they realized early on that 50% plus bloodquantum created a Heterosexual community. I don't think the overall society realized the rational of creating what we know know as DHHL. It is a heterosexual community being attacked daily on Maoliworld by outsiders.
The issues of health, gay marriages, and military are all pressing issues that went into a non state of affairs. Lacking in written and verbal communications are poor excuses to neglect the 'child bearing community' within the Pacific Islands of Hawaii.
Nationals that demand a return of a Hawaiian Kingdom that is negligent in protecting it's 'Child Bearing Community' from Penis envy individuals that lead Hawaiian Acitivism astray from their 'National' intent is meaningless in todays society.
Pull up the stops of child endangerment from within your Independant and Free Hawaii group or slither away!
Bottom line we have lots of issues that are similar, however, preying on women and children should not be the energy under it's foot.