Distraught over my weekend, I shared with my students not only the importants of their two year goals and asperations in life, but the importance of volunteering.  People that haven't really experienced poverty do not grasp the economic woes these youngsters will encounter in the near future.


Just having a discussion about the system on poverty, an actual death, and student caring for themselves and their educational goals in life helped my healing process.  One really gets the true meaning of independence in this process.  I was surprise to here my students openly speak about their gay friends, drugs, their experience and thoughts on death. 


Mari Beltran just called me and it's a bit late, but she too is hurting and mourning the loss of Annie.  To die beside the road should not be the norm for native Hawaiians, but it is!  I just don't really have the words to say about our poverty and the  fact that the children I am teaching will fall victums to this condition. Uncle John may not last a week which is what I told her, so she will be catching the bus out there to check on him. 


I am out there in the trenches of the houseless for many years, so I've developed a network of friends.  My students asked me questiones about the homeless area in their park.  I told them they just had a death recently at Blasidell, and that a friend of mine tries to feed the houseless their.  It was interesting that they knew him and explained in details about what he feed the homeless. 


Their educational goals depends on their essay and their experience in life and their community.  We cannot afford to go to college and having an essay with lots of volunteer hours may possibly give them a chance at receiving a scholarship. 


I too, was shocked at John Pau's version of Act 195 and Statehood, it was an interesting conversation.  He also knew Webster Kalai, Chester Hanawaihine and Neil Abercrombie was his pal during his UH days.  I was surprise at the things he shared about the Purple team and Koolau Boys home at Crawfords as well as Koolau boys home. 

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  • My students goals includes their families, Hawaii and their environment.  One student handed me their lunch and said please give this to 'Uncle' John.  If he does not get the services he needs he too will soon pass and join Aunty Annie.


    Sometimes we just have to reflect on humanity!

  • My students celebrated this day by reading "Think of a Garden" by John Kneubuhl


    Celebrate International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

    Date: 08/09/2011

    August 9 is the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, and Cultural Survival joins the world in recognizing and honoring of the strength, resilience, dignity, and pride of Indigenous Peoples around the world. Despite our long histories of struggle, we continue to weave our stories, our songs, our rituals and ceremonies into rich, colorful, textured, and beautiful tapestries that portray landscapes of our Indigenous experience and indigeneity.
    Telengit people make offerings at a sacred site known as Jeele during the Jashyl Buyr (“green leaves”) holiday.: Photo courtesy of Ere-Chui (“Sacred Chui”) Association of Obshchinas of the Telengit.Telengit people make offerings at a sacred site known as Jeele during the Jashyl Buyr (“green leaves”) holiday.: Photo courtesy of Ere-Chui (“Sacred Chui”) Association of Obshchinas of the Telengit.
    We continue to pray and give thanks in sacred places for the knowledge and materials offered to us from this earth, and for all the relations that keep us connected to the heavens, earth, each other, and all beings. We seek to speak our language to our children so that they speak to their children of this ancestral knowledge. We seek to be recognized as Indigenous Peoples with inherent rights, and we fight for those rights. As Indigenous Peoples we stand up and survive and weave our futures.

    That spirit is honored each year on the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, and this year Cultural Survival is marking the day by launching a new campaign to support the Telengit people of Russia.

    The Telengit are resisting the building of a natural gas pipeline from Siberia to China that will cross their lands, undermine their way of life and spiritual traditions, and threaten the delicate ecosystem that has supported their lifeways. The pipeline would bisect the sacred Ukok Plateau and the Golden Mountains of Altai UNESCO World Heritage Site in Russia, and the Kanas National Park in China, all of which are home to endangered wildlife that includes the snow leopard, argali mountain sheep, the black stork. The construction will destroy the sacred lands where the Telengit People have journeyed for thousands of years to give offerings to the spirits of the heavens, the mountains, and the waters, and where they conduct ceremonies to bury their dead.

    Your letters and financial support can help the Telengit people defend their lands, their traditions, and their rights. To learn more and support the Telengit click here.

    Suzanne Benally (Navajo and Santa Clara Tewa)
    Executive Director

  • My students will head of to college and learn to protect their families from cyber space fraud!!!!
    Reply by Amelia Gora yesterday

    hi Tane,


    Am in agreement with you......


    I must say that Kaohi is a toxic strain/bad blood infecting innocent kanaka.


    Her missionary/mercenary ties, her being part of the Thurston, Samuel Andrews family who PLOTTED against Queen Liliuokalani in 1892 at MAKUA Valley with U.S. Representative Benjamin Tracy, and her stepmother descendant of PARMELE JUDD, etc., her complete support of Abercrombie, et. als. certainly says a lot.............and then some......


    Opposition remains with the hewa Provisional government, turned Republic, then Territory, and State with documented oppositions from our families and friends over time........


    Kaohi and all those on Hawaiian Home lands are perpetuating the evils of a criminal PIRATE nation that is now documented as Premeditating the criminal assumption of a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation with Treaties, etc............and because the bloodlines exist can be considered trespassers on Kamehameha III's/Kauikeouli's properties.


    All kanaka maoli sitting on the Crown Lands who pay mortgages and who maintain that they are under duress, stress, coercion, and usurpation should get in contact with the true owners, descendants of Kamehameha, heirs of Kamehameha III, et. als. and authorizations to help malama family properties may be gotten.............contact:  hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com for more information.


    The Kingdom of Hawaii is here, as well as the true descendants, land owners, including King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani's families.


    Love it:


    "The U.S.A. continues to make a mockery of  justice, honor, integrity, democracy, and freedom.  Fuck 'em!"


    There's opportunities to make corrections and many who come from those who assisted the wrongdoers are now helping us...............guess Kaohi doesn't get it and am thinking that working with damaged DNA/ special ed folks is  not compatible for all in the field.......of course there are exceptions but.....




    • hi Pomai,


      The e-mail to send messages to:  cdexk@yahoo.com because maybe some people would rather talk to an attorney..........otherwise, hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com will do......


      New info that was just posted to many because of the comments made by Luwella Kaohi Leonardi -- and for the records:


      Luwella Leonardi is just a really confused person...........her intentions is to muck up my research and to diminish the truth, etc.

      She is a supporter of criminal deviance, perpetuating fraud, deceit, malicious works, supporting her ancestors wrongful moves in usurping our Queen and people/subjects/ citizens.

      Although admired by the PIRATES who enjoy her nastiness towards others, she fails to realize that she is attacking one of the true Royal families descendants.........i see her as obnoxious, wicked, and my families have suggested time and time again to not bring myself down to her level...............she's kinda slow and I'm too patient in trying to explain things s-l-o-w-l-y to her.........but have to end that connection with her because am just wasting time and must let her continue to support her JUDD families, her stepmother is a JUDD, etc.

      Just posted the info to let many know that there is a DISCONNECT between Queen Liliuokalani's families/supporters vs. those who support the PIRATE entity State of Hawaii, which is why Tane referred to as a ? Syndrome....where those oppressed soon begin to defend the wrongdoers........

       http://www.myspace.com/music/song-embed?songid=24868538&getSwf=...","wmode":"transparent","quality":"high";" class="mceItemFlash" style="display: inline;" src="https://static.ning.com/socialnetworkmain/widgets/lib/js/tiny_mce/plugins/media/img/trans.gif" width="400" height="77"/>

      Find more artists like Hawaiian Nation at Myspace Music




      eyes 068




      p.s. to answer your question ........about her accusations............i haven't a clue to what she's talking about and have come to the conclusion that the toxins have gone to her brain.......

  • I am so proud of my students for giving me an opportunity to heal from the much problems in my life at this time. Their compassion and hearts are so open for humanity, regardless as to how much life hits them.  The are so resilient  to the perils around them.  It is so sad that all that I can offere these youngsters are educational tools, in hopes that they take these instruments of language and use it to the fullest. 


    We are leaving these youngsters a world in turmoil---I feel so embarrassed about it too!

  • I am so angry at our poverty in Hawaii.  We were poor growing up but was able to feed ourselves by growing and gathering, we don't really have that possibility any more because of the military toxicity and other factors. 
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