I work out of pocket because it is where the heart for humanity always existed.  As for the governing entities not only are they new to the world of poverty, they are the root causes of poverty.  Just reading the below garbage ...library-children and homeless?  Children are the best when it comes to caring for the homeless, has the adult community ever taken time to hear their voices.  Kids are great!  It is demoralizing when government receive monies from else where and use it for tasers and bulldozers on the homeless like with what just happened to Keeau.  In addition, Ahston Brown died because of the six planning that the city, fed, and state did for Keeau.  Does one not know that the secrecy was leaked to the prison, Samoan community, and an in into the gangs.  Government and gangs work arm in arm!  Hawaii needs to wake up to this way out happening!  

Gangs attract big monies for enforcement training, academic research scholarships, and government employment-social workers.  This is the ugly, dirty game, and reality that shows up on the streets.  So what are my buffers as George Kent would say--the external factors.

External factors are using bulldozers on the homeless was the solution at Keeau's.  Including the iwi which stopped the bulldozing by the way.  Need to be on board to get the real in's on how to destroy humanity.  As I said the academic grants is in the millions and their Catholic Charities are an extended and bird flipping sometimes.  All that Neil (friend) did was bring turn the poverty encampments into a death camp.  This was an open door to the gangs, prison and historical remakes.  

It will take much more than government screw ups to clean up this mess, the question remains what next.  

Watching David Kennedy (academic) and how LA riots came to be and how the British are connecting as far as the war front at home.  Goods and services are one of the external causes to human addictions. Having been in California during the Rodney King beating one can say that the tension between the baton and the over use of enforcement can set the blue flame for local disasters.  

What's my point?  I work out of pocket for years and absolute energy, but I was young many years ago.  I don't have that kind of energy anymore and empty pockets don't help either.  

I took some time out to visit my friends at Thomas Square, ironically, on my way to Cinco De Mayo on Hotel Street.  If one knows the history as why we have Cinco De Mayo you would make the history connection between Thomas Square and Cinco De Mayo.  It's pretty funny when you include the stolen art of 'The Splintered Paddle' at Thomas Square done by a Chicano named Raul.  All joking aside, I had a real great time dancing in the streets last night--reminded me of NY, DC, and most of all the French Quarters (still laughing).   

On my way back to the car, I stopped and had a talk with Nova, Andy and Madori (recently arrested) in front the Capital with their protest tents.  I so wish I had the energy to join them, but needed to get some rest.  

So the question is where is all the money given to the state for homeless?  It's true that my good friend Naomi Wong had taken her family to cut Keawe trees and decided to sell them on the side of the road.  The money she needed was bus fare so that her children could continue the next three weeks at the same school.  She just moved from that school district.  Husband and two sons are unemployed.  What would this family look like on an academic research?  Why did police officer A Peterson of Honolulu Police Department tell her she cannot sell wood, but can sell fruits, leis  and fish?  Does the government meet the problems with about to be homeless families?  Try preventing instead of causing is my point!  So where is all that money that the state receive from the McKinney Vento-Act?  Lots of agencies in the DOE for homeless children to twist the 'no qualification' for homeless children--but can receive plenty monies for lunch, bus, and day care.  What drives me crazy is that list of 'free lunch' goes to different 'cons' in the neighborhood for grants!   Like in the millions!!!!!

So the question is where is the money that is suppose to be used for the homeless.  On my travels I stop in and have a talk story with real people helping the homeless--so one cannot con me as to what the hell you people in the government are doing.  Like I say the government are at cause for the gang mentality and their taser guns of homeless people.  Try art stupid!

For the homeless in Hawaii, good help shouldn't be hard to find.

With that belief, Gov. Neil Abercrombie is asking residents on all major islands to help report homeless people who may need intervention to a network of service providers, the Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports. And with that, he hopes to help solve the issue of homelessness, which has been a dark cloud looming over the Aloha State for years.

"There's nothing more demoralizing in the community than to see someone obviously in need and not know what to do about it," Abercrombie told the Star-Advertiser. "If you want to send your child to a public library and you're fearful of being able to do that because the sidewalks are occupied by people outside the library, that leaves the community, the public, feeling helpless, feeling angry, feeling anxious about their capacity to do anything."

His initiative creates an outreach system that allows citizens to assist in clearing the streets by directing those without shelter to medical, mental and housing services. Details about the governor’s full 90-day plan, such as how it will be funded, won’t be disclosed until next month, but this move represents another phase in Hawaii’s proactive approach to helping the homeless.

During the 2010 fiscal year, a report from the University of Hawaii’s Center on the Family found that nearly 13,900 people in the state experienced homelessness and received outreach or shelter services, an increase of 3 percent from the previous year.

But this is an issue that won’t go away. Back in 2004, Hawaii was named the third “meanest state” in its treatment of homeless people, according to the National Coalition for the Homeless. According to the report:

 At the end of May 2004, the State of Hawaii adopted one of the nation’s severest penalties to discourage people from living on public property. Act 50, which relates to criminal trespassing, charges an individual with criminal trespass in the second degree if the person enters or remains on public property after receiving a written request to leave.

"We've come dangerously close to accepting the homeless as a problem that we just can't solve," former Gov. Linda Lingle told the Pacific Business News. "We need to face this."

In the subsequent years, her administration made significant strides to help end homeless in Hawaii with critical strategies, such as opening several emergency shelters and transitional housing facilities.

It goes without saying that homelessness is not unique to Hawaii. And the recession has only made it worse due to housing costs and foreclosure rates, among other factors. Across the country, the number of homeless people grew by 3 percent (about 20,000 people) between 2008 and 2009, and the number of homeless families increased 4 percent, according to the 2011 report, State of Homelessness in America by the National Alliance to End Homelessness. According to a Reuters report, homelessness reached a record high last year in New York City.

As Hawaii continues to search for solutions for homelessness, Abercrombie’s initiative not only brings together state and county government and social service providers, but now residents also can play a role by notifying an organization about a homeless person or group (For the record, they can only encourage treatment and can’t force anything on anyone). It remains to be seen what the rest of his plan will look like, but pushing the public to get involved is a good first step.



How is "informing an organization about a person or group of people" helpful? Isn't it obvious that this person exists? I mean, do you really think that the various organizations don't know where this person is? Our governor knows where the homeless are and that they need assistance. But he proceeded to cut the budgets of some of the most effective programs here on Oahu. He chopped tens of thousands of dollars from Institute for Human Services (IHS) as soon as he got into office. He has reduced most assistance programs for the homeless. Even the disability assistance funding was cut, which many of our homeless are qualified under this program and depended on the assistance they got from it. Now our glorious governor wants us to "inform" the programs that he just reduced their ability to help about the people that they were helping. And he wants these programs to go out and do something to reduce the number of homeless but he has taken away their finances to do this. I have heard it said that "insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different results". I believe that this would qualify our governor as insane. 

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