As it’s all to well know, I have been battling the injustice against the houseless since I arrived on the island. In some of the strongest rains we have seen in months, the houseless and the Occupy Movement prepare for yet another illegal and unconstitutional raid today. The Department of Facility Maintenance threatened with their tags and raid yesterday that they would show up again in force and as usual with HPD and their guns. The 9th District Federal court has made its second statement on the treatment of the homeless in America but this time with a ruling. The ruling says to stop all confiscation of property unless it poses a threat of danger and under no reason should property be destroyed. The ruling stated it violates the 4th and 14th amendment.

The city has made its choice to violate civil rights under the authority of the corporate and city council’s implementation of Bill 54, presented by former City Council-member Tulsi Gabbard. Any member of the City council, Corporate council, the Mayors office, HPD, and city and county employees that continues with this type of action is wasting tax payer’s money, abusing the less fortunate, allowing theft, while violating civil rights at a cost nearing 1 million dollars on a single encampment alone. The Houseless throughout the island are under attack. Stop this injustice! There is a better way and I have the answers. Economic Sustainability and adhering to equal civil rights, we can save the working class, rebuild the middle class, and give equal opportunity to everyone.


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