Help Stop Killer Drones!

Aloha Peace Ohana,

RE: Can you urge our Hawaii senators today & early next week to support hard questioning of Brennan this week about drone killings?

Ann Wright will be in Washington for the Thursday Feb. 7 confirmation hearing for drone-czar Brennan’s for CIA Director.  She promises that there will be actions against his confirmation!  She has sent the following request which we can help with from here at home:
    Let’s ask senators Mazie Hirono and Brian Schatz to support Oregon Senator Wyden’s hard questioning of John Brennan on targeted assassinations by drone and killings of many innocent civilians in Pakistan.
Here is Wyden’s powerful letter and list of questions about US drone targeted killings:

Here are the contacts for our senators:

Senator Mazie Hirono (D – HI), tel. (202)-224-6361;  fax (202) 224-2126

Email contact form:
Senator Brian Schatz (D – HI)  tel. (202) 224-3934;
fax (202) 224-6747
No email contact form available yet.  Please fax or call.
Ann also sends us this
Electronic Privacy Information Center (  drone info links:

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