Kahului, Hawaii Drug Abuse Rehab
Kahului, Hawaii, Alcohol and Drug Addiction Information
Kahului, Hawaii has a population of 20,146 with an average household size of 3.291 and is located in Maui County on the island of Maui.
Kalului is home to the Alexander & Baldwin Sugar Museum, Maui Myths & Legends, and Air Maui Helicopter Tours.
Kahului Hawaii’s Drug Source
The DEA (The US Drug Enforcement Administration)2 reports that the Hawaiian Islands are made up of eight major islands and a 1,500 mile chain of islets, covering 6,422.6 square miles in the North Central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is populated by approximately 1.2 million people, with the largest ethnic variety in any of the states. All of the illegal drugs that are available on the mainland can also be found in the islands, with crystal methamphetamine (ice), marijuana, cocaine HCl, crack cocaine, heroin, and predatory drugs being the leading threats in the state.
Hawaii continues to maintain its status as a national leader in the production of high-grade marijuana. Homegrown marijuana continues to be a staple for locals and for export to the mainland. In addition, search warrants conducted on ice and cocaine trafficker residences have revealed small seizures of marijuana. Due to the widespread availability and use of marijuana, it remains the second most abused drug in Hawaii.
Crystal methamphetamine (ice) is the drug of choice in Hawaii. The majority of powder methamphetamine is converted into ice before it is distributed. The drug is readily available statewide.
Cocaine HCl remains popular and readily available throughout Hawaii, and is often used in conjunction with other drugs including heroin and marijuana. The demand for cocaine is perpetuated by the tourist industry.
Most of the heroin seized in Hawaii is black tar heroin. The Honolulu International Airport (HIA) continues to be the primary entry point for heroin transported into Hawaii. The majority of the seized heroin is body carried into the islands from Los Angeles by Mexican organizations and distributed throughout the state by a close-knit cell of distributors. In addition, black tar heroin is smuggled from Mexico via body couriers on commercial aircraft and via mailed parcels. In Hawaii County, user amounts of black tar heroin are packaged in tin foil, balloons, and plastic wrap.
Abuse of predatory drugs, including MDMA3, GHB4, and LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), is increasing among Hawaii’s youth and the large military population stationed in Hawaii. These drugs are readily available and typically consumed among military personnel, teenagers, and young adults attracted to dance clubs, raves, and bars.
In Hawaii, teenagers and young adults (20-30 years old) are increasingly using ecstasy, which is readily available at raves, nightclubs, and some hotels. Ecstasy is not manufactured here, but is shipped from the mainland through the U.S. Postal Service, parcel services or smuggled on incoming flights through the Honolulu Airport. Ecstasy abuse is rising among the large military population in Hawaii. Local military officials view ecstasy use as the major drug use issue affecting active duty military in Hawaii.
Predatory drugs pose the biggest problem for the military population. Hawaii is home to more than 78,000 military personnel and their dependants located on five major military bases and facilities, with most located on Oahu. Military law enforcement personnel are seeing predatory drugs as the drug of choice since it is popular among the younger military personnel, in part because of the speed at which these drugs leave their systems.
On the Big Island, raves and nightclubs are a source for MDMA.
The Dwindling Spiral Will Continue
One thing is for certain, for a drug addict, the dwindling spiral will continue on its downward path unless action is taken. NOW is the time to do something before the addicted person winds up in jail or dead of an overdose or accident. Unfortunately past failed attempts to overcome addiction only further depress the individual so it comes as no surprise that fear and hesitation.
In the city of Kahului, there is an increased need for effective drug and alcohol rehab and addiction treatment centers as drug and alcohol use continues to escalate. Drug use erodes the quality of life not only for the user, but for their families and communities. Marriages and families are torn apart by mistrust, betrayal, fear and anger. Careers are ruined; companies lose millions of dollars in lost production time; cities and suburbs become degraded by the increased crime and violence that goes with drug trafficking and drug addiction. To do nothing for the addict, should not be an option. Something can be done; help is available.
Drug Related News Stories from Kahului, Hawaii
Prison-Bound Robber Admits to “Really Bad” Ice, Alcohol Problem
“Dr. Jerkyll” Identity gets Break in Theft Sentence
The Damage to Society
In the State of Hawaii, and specifically in the city of Kahului, the effects of drug and alcohol abuse goes way past the the damage done to the addicts themselves. In terms of time lost on the job, to the health system inundated by illness and overdoses to communities harmed by the crime rate caused by addicts looking to steal anything in order to get their next fix, to families living a nightmare as they watch helplessly as their loved one goes further down the chutes. The rollercoaster of emotions, concern and anger seems like a never ending ride the abuser puts his friends and family through. Failures in the past with drug rehab centers further numb the addict to any hope of a future without drugs. It truly can appear hopeless.
Treatment Center Changes Needed
Just in the state of Hawaii, there are many different types of drug rehab and treatment facilities. In the United States, there are thousands of drug rehab and treatment centers. Of course the common goal of all addiction treatment programs is to help end addiction for the individual. In Hawaii and across the United States, a variety of techniques and methods are being used. Some of the well known treatment methods in Hawaii include the twelve step method, relapse prevention, one-on-one counseling, drug rehabilitation, behavioral modification, cognitive therapy, support groups, sober living, therapeutic communities, AA , NA, inpatient, and outpatient drug rehab programs. There are many types of treatment centers available in Hawaii, so making a decision can be difficult. Unfortunately, many uninformed people in Hawaii go from rehab to rehab looking for the one that is right for them.
In Hawaii, there are many attempts being made to meet the needs of drug addicts, but statistics show success rates to be dismally low. What is needed and wanted is a drug treatment which not only handles physical addiction, but finds the underlying reasons why a person turns to drugs in order to free the person forever. What Hawaii addicts, alcoholics and their family, friends and loved ones need is a real and effective drug rehab treatment center. One where they are not on a time schedule or use other drugs to get the addict off the original drugs. The addict needs a reliable proven program where when they are done, their drug addiction is a thing of the past and they are now able to live full productive lives free of the stronghold of drugs or alcohol.
Choosing a Drug Rehab and Addiction Treatment Program
What should the goal be of a drug rehab center? Clean and sober for 30 days? While that might be a good short term goal, many treatment centers and 12 step programs still leave the drug addict fighting a continuing battle with addiction. Once an addict always an addict; or it’s a mental disorder they can do nothing about. When choosing a drug rehab center for yourself or a loved one from Kahului, Hawaii, it is important to become educated on the different types of drug rehab and what the end results are.
Should the Drug Rehab Location Matter When it Comes to Finding a Solution to Addiction?
Drug and alcohol addiction typically involves habitual routines in the environmental scope of the individual, i.e. the locations of their drug or alcohol use, the people they associated with in the activities of drug or alcohol use, etc. Drug or alcohol addiction is not just drug and alcohol use, it revolves around people and things in their immediate environment which help to trigger the addictive behavior. The abusers location & routines of drug and alcohol use further trigger drug and alcohol use. It is the constant and seemingly unstoppable drug or alcohol use and the hopelessness of day to day existence which perpetuates the problem and inhibits the native desire to stop ruining their life through the use of drugs and alcohol.
The above factor should not be over looked when considering a treatment center location. The first 2 weeks of treatment are always the most difficult & There many factors at work to make this so. In addition to what has been covered above, a more basic factor is this; people are creatures of habit. Even overwhelmingly positive & beneficial changes in life, such as the birth of a child or a new job does not guarantee the individual will have no thoughts of missing past negative activities such as, drug or alcohol use, drug or drinking acquaintances and other associated activities. Factually this is the normal reactive auto response of most human beings; to do what they are familiar with; good or bad. It is not really that they yearn for these things, it is just all that they have known for some time. If the abuser is close to home when overwhelming feelings manifest themselves, there is a good chance he or she will leave and get back to what they know, drug addiction, as it is not very far away . Due to these factors, attending a drug rehab close to home is seldom the correct treatment option for chronic drug or alcohol abusers. It is extremely therapeutic to be distanced from their former association with drug dealers, bars, the cabinet where the alcohol was kept, the cigar box where the cocaine was stored, etc. All these triggers make the task of sobriety seem insurmountable to the chronic drug or alcohol abuser as these triggers continuously stimulate a reminder of their past addictive behaviors.
For individuals with a severe drug or alcohol addiction problem, choosing a long term inpatient treatment program is another key to a successful outcome.
By providing a new, safe trigger free environment, distanced from past negative associations and surroundings for an extended period of time, the chance for success increases dramatically.
Our program provides people with positive circumstances to increase their chances for a successful recovery. The vast majority of students entering our program, around (80%), are from out of state or from other countries.
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