In reality, the argument for Two-hundred seventy thousand, and counting, world wide, for the roll commission list is Broad Policy.   It is a Hawaiian Civic Club idea to maintain control  of the ovaries  of native Hawaiians with 50% plus bloodquantum.  That's just the start, the second ritual of the Hawaiian Civic Club is to dumb down the male child from ever receiving an education compatible with labor or a career.  For example, 18 year old males are the poverty population on the recent census.  In both of these Hawaiian Civic Clubs actions-- what those of us on Hawaiian Home Lands call depopulation and an avoidance of their Rehabilitation Act or an amendment to Hawaii’s Organic Act—the Hawaiian people have suffered on lists  .

But the real  argument against Annelle Amaral and Jalna Keala’s Broad Policy arguments, that are to include everyone in the world on one list without protection, is that this  seems to be  a dangerously negligent move upon the people of Hawaiian ancestry living on the two hundred thousand acres that is managed by Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL).   

Cyberspace war platforms are very difficult to understand to begin with, and trying to educate our people on the dangers just will not happen soon enough to protect them.   This October 2012 Hawaiian Civic Clubs will meet and thus cause a vote for Broad Policy and which should begin the cyberspace moving wars platform before the end of this year.  

Chinese students that have a bit of humanity will tell you that Gaming is not a thing to do, firstly--it's not only dangerous, but unscientific!  Game theorists that are willing to share their personal thoughts will tell you how deathly this new neuroscience can be in the hands of the wrong persons.  Colorado shooter James Holmes is a gamer and he dared to play out his game platform at a theater.  Christopher Deedy played out his platform in Hawaii.  Jared Loughner, the 22-year-old accused in the shooting in Tucson Arizona played out his fantasy platform.  911 flight simulator training resulted in a mass killing platform.

What was added to the list at this meeting on Friday in Kaneohe at Blazing Steaks was the Religious Wars--Christians vs. Na Nakoa.  Hawaiian Civic Clubs are the best for platform wars. My  concern is the Game Theory.  We are not savvy enough to fight local wars among our people.  Wars between Native Hawaiian with 50% plus bloodquantum and Hawaiians that are born in Hawaii are unproductive, digital or other wise.   In my  view, the emotional devastation, that is the result of the manifestation of  eviction game theory, is not perceivable by those working with the platforms.  

Is the Roll Commission oblivious of Office of Hawaiians 34 year’s outcome of poor to poverty of the native Hawaiian population? What we need is a Risk Assessment of the Roll for Hawaiians before implementing this Game in Theory.  

Do the roll commissioners have brains-heart to take care of their own people and give them standing in a court of law?  Should something go wrong on various platforms such as: identity theft, predators on seniors, sex predators, and illegal prescription drug advertisements from foreign counties, the list is endless.  

In truth, the list of native Hawaiian's on homestead list was in existence, but was avoided on the last night of the 1978 con con.  Governor John Waihee’s parents were on that list of insignificance. No difference than the Kaneohe Blazing Steaks meeting this past Friday.  The avoidance of local Hawaiians living here in Hawaii as opposed to global Hawaiians. 

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