Boodquantum For Native Hawaiians And Their Ohana
We are living together in a community where people from outside are envious and sometimes evil! Sadly, outsiders too have made sure that life on DHHL was at times difficult. And we have endured their political demands since the 20s. As to why this is happening--it’s I don't care to know. What needs protected from these goons are the wait list. Those that ran for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) in the first election had no scruples. Those of us who fought the formation of OHA from 1974 to 1978 did the real battles on the line of defense for our people. We lost! They won and instead of going home with our tails wagging behind our tails we jumped into the game. The game rules of 50% plus bloodquantum are still the same and never have we deviated from that line of defense.
Our community is held together by people with principles and love for our ancestors and their aina. The first people have not deviated from the consciousness of who we are. Each person on that wait list are 50% plus bloodquantum and will have a part-Hawaiian spouse or maybe of non Hawaiian ancestry its not an issue of racisms. The bloodquantum allows the choice of spouse without interference from outsiders and their eugenics ideals. That is the only way into or on to DHHL and should remain that way until the wait list fills every square inch of DHHL land.
Most recently, we hosted a lot of people in our park during the Tsunami warnings.
It is true we do have our problems like with any community that has way below job sourcing, elderly with fixed income, and every existing major such as education social problem in the Hawaiian Islands. But, if one looks carefully our community feels great love for the surrounding communities even though that is not the case or a one way street pointing inward. But, do we sit around and toss fire balls at them--no! It is seemingly decrypted, decadence and seemingly evil when the godless akulele flies from outsiders.
The fact is at the time that DHHL or the Rehabilitation Hawaiian Homes Act was amended to the Organic Act, we dealt with the bloodquantum issue. It was a matter that our ancestors at that time discussed and commanded a change from one thirty second to a higher bloodquantum. It was because our ancestors felt that the 200 thousand acres set aside for native Hawaiians was going to be squandered to Anglo people that was capitalistic attached to bankers. At that marking one could not tell 'who was Hawaiian and who was not'! Over time our 200 thousand acres have been misappropriated and there is very little accountability to the losses. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs is toilet paper for the shitty losses. Those of us who were there from the onset understand this game with clarity and too-- realize who is for the people and who is not. Read Steve Kuna's DHHL Report 1974-75, this tells only a small part of the atrocities done to the native Hawaiian and their land.
One needs to ask yourself--who wrote the OHA Bill? On this trail--one should ask who ran for OHA and what was their platform? From my recollection of the OHA candidates to be forums--every candidate except maybe for Mel Hoomanawanui and Sam Kealoha fought for the people, their lands, and their identity set forth by our Na Kupuna, in opposition of the University of Hawaii at Manoa and their modernity ploys, specifically the Richardson School of Law.
Modernity, the UHOM betrays the native Hawaiian people most times in their publications and professorships. One can see this action in the forcing out of Abe Piianae from the Hawaiian Studies Department in the late 80s. Why? The University Of Hawaii at Manoa had policies in place to educate native Hawaiians if and only if they were lessee. There was about 300 or more tuition waivers for years that was being and still is diverted through Kuaana Services to non native Hawaiians with less than 50% plus bloodquantum and too are not DHHL lessee.
Do we sit around and blah, blah--no! We move on with life and take cracks as it comes and continue to care for our people and their ancestors land. There cannot be any other way to look at the problems of the bloodquantum except through eyes of the lessee and I am one of them. To not see the falsehood of those that have spent years in destroying the native Hawaiian people, one needs to ask questions. Beginning with what are their views on military families living on DHHL? Should we care for the US Military sick veterans with scraps that are thrown to us? Natural selection, our young female girls forced into marrying US Military personel as a connecting contract to the 200 thousand acres of military uses--such as Pohakuloa on the Moku of Keawe? Education ought to be a principle based on need not on procurement density contracts.
The State and Federal Task Force during the Reagan years were devastating, however, only a handful of people understood the dangerous reforms that this body passed out in their report, I being one of them from the audience. I did not hesitate to argue with Rod Burgess and Bob Fukuda for profiting from these changes. What are these are changes to DHHL? Lessee for DHHl was always based on 'need base' all that was lost during that US Presidents seat of authority and with the support of those that were OHA Trustees. There was no lessee positioned on the commission--only outsiders looking for a career goal and back pocket filler and I don't mean cotton.
The bloodquantum issue is a matter for those of us that are native Hawaiian living on DHHL. It is not perfect; however, it does keep the decrypted Native Hawaiian Veterans, LLC and their National Security Agencies and FEMA at bay! Our Pearl Harbor Bay is filled with plutonium and we have no recourse except to protect the rest of our waterways from being contaminated with nuclear isotopes.
In April 2011, near Maile shoreline on our white sand beaches children and their families will be present on the shores. Offshore will be Native Hawaiian Veterans, LLC cleaning up 233 acres of UXO. They will remove arsenal with depleted uranium (organic lie), shred the metal, replacing contaminates back into the waterways where strong offshore currents can carry the discharges throughout Hawaii. The shredded arsenal will be labeled construction debris and placed on our pristine ancestors’ aina. We will see tremendous health problems by 'inducement' of U-235 isotopes into our native people and the future generation.
The already spiked numbers of birth defects will climb until it disappears and be an acceptable cause of nature. According to the Native Hawaiian Veterans, LLC and their UHOM researchers from the Chemistry Department-- depleted uranium exist and the bogus truth that over time it has returned to its given natural organic state--therefore can be returned to the waterways.
The US Military after WWII dumped millions of arsenal into our offshore Maili waterways. This junk science for safety is totally bogus. Do you believe that people are butterflies and have human babies? That's how crazy it gets when the Pentagon, community leaders, and military procurements package their 'hopper' geometric design with people in them. I go home with a head ach from these insane meetings and have been doing it for the past ten years.
We need our bloodquantum to generate a future for our babies not yet born and hold the unjust moral and sickening political agendas accountable. They should not get away with their genocidal acts upon the Na native Hawaiian and their ancestors’ land where the bones sleep.
I don't think you understand the Akulele that is being thrown from outside into DHHL at children because ones heart is 'no good'.
One can be blind and stupid most times by text and lacking in protocol or cultural practices of our Na Kupuna and their ancestors ways.
It is truly sad that you chose that route along with all the fools that will disappear when they are pau from the physical earth.
I don't talk about your 'Royalist' research DO NOT TALK ABOUT the children growing up on DHHL!
Like I said outsiders play fantansy games! DO NOT JOIN THEM!
what bugs me is that an Auld married a Pehikulani (w)/Pehilani (w) and claimed to be a sister of Kapiolani (w)/Queen Kapiolani, Kapooloku/Princess Poomaikelani (w) and Kinoiki/Princess Kinoiki..........which means the Auld's appear to be problematic............
try asking for view points from the Hawaiian Kingdom nationals and see if anyone, if any, supports your DHHL quantum claims........................
top that off with being a Thurston, has to wonder and understand why you take the stand that you do......................
btw did you receive an invite to some meeting in England for human slaves and child abuse?
I don't think you understand that Linda Lingle GRANDFATHERED IN NON-Hawaiians who were assigned HAWAIIAN HOMELANDS at the very beginning.............yes, she GRANDFATHERED THEM IN ABOUT TWO +YEARS AGO..... they were the descendants of treasonous persons, conspirators/participants who apparently were promised lands by the PIG'S /Provisional government...................the law that was passed basically made these people EXEMPT from presenting documentation of their Hawaiian blood...........which most didn't have.
Then top that off with the fact that Prince Kuhio was indeed a treasonous person for in 1920 he did introduce a Bill to make Hawaii a State..........................
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Bill Asks for Hawaiian Statehood.
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This article shows that Prince Kuhio was a conspirator/pirate/treasonous person, and the move to form the Hawaiian Homes appears to be a result of these actions.
Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!
Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)
Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)
by sablancpm | 2 years ago | 4,201 views
p.s. to some degree Kinney does put out some valid rebuttals to the issues of Hawaiian Homes.... after all, it is a PIRATE design meant to diminish the rights to the lands by criminal deviants....... genealogies expose the truth about the lands which still has OWNERS and who continue to OPPOSE PIRATES who criminally claim our families/Kamehameha III's lands as their own under the "ceded title" when realistically it is NOT "ceded" is Amerikkkan /Pirate claims vs the TRUTH..... then again, this is what will remain as a Great DIVIDE of our people.....due to the FAILURE of doing their're educated........go past that QUANTUM THINKING or AMERIKKKAN thinking.....aloha.