There were many meetings and the leaders such as William Aila and Cynthia Rezentes,Lucy Gay, and Joe Jordan spear headed the clean up as well as detection of these Nuclear isotopes in the air, land and sea.  

It is dangerous to not have had these dealings going on without 'care'. Gambling with nuclear isotopes as a career goal--I say is beyond my comprehension, but it all happened.  Now what?

Mining WWII nuclear isotopes in Waianae and placing these dangerous atomic bomb ingredients into civilian hands without the concern for security was pretty stupid stuff.  

There program was named Native American--trust me their wasn't a single native American anywhere in all of this, however, us Kanaka's was all over the place.  Like we have a secret 'lua' to create a bomb for terrorism attack on the coconut trees lining the Waianae shoreline--just because.

Our children going inherent this 'pupule' USA nationalist idiot game of "catch me if you can".  And we all going stay chasing the wrong horses ass on this one for many years to come.  

We had many meetings with the Pentagon guys, DC guys, local state guys, and no one asked the important questions about security-storing of these nuclear isotopes.  When you compare to the amount of ingredients bought from Germany and the amount used for the bombs that was dropped on Japan and Micronesian islanders on their aina--it was a small amount of nuclear isotopes used.  So where the hell did they put it?  The USA dumped it off Maile beach!

We are all swimming in it, breathing the DU from Schofield and other military bases in Hawaii.

Our children in Waianae are the sponge bobs of these nano particles because they play in it-death by contamination is inevitable.  Our seniors die like flies during the high winds.  And our teenager's die of brain and cancer tumors--if not on the road in some derange highway accident.  All men in Waianae have prostate cancer.  Waianae has the highest rate of leukemia in children.  And Hawaii's abortion is only a solution in part.  Take note--I am not for abortion.  All of these ailing alien ailments are at cause for someones need for a job!

Visitor Industry are good, they soak up the nuclear isotopes--so let's go for it!

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  • Need to ask where is these Nuclear isotopes is the question that everyone should be asking?

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