Posted on Tuesday January 18, 2011
On Tuesday night, Obama followed the script closely.

He sat down to what the corporate media describes as “an unusual and intimate dinner” with Hu Jintao, the CEO of the sprawling slave labor gulag and globalist dream come true in China.

After dinner, Hu Jinato and Obama attended a “pomp-filled gala” designed to celebrate with sickening pageantry what is in essence a planting of the Chinese flag on American soil.

The Associated Press admits the lavish affair with its over-the-top entreaties is designed to “soften the American public’s suspicions about China,” a nation that detains and tortures individuals for exercising their rights to freedom of association, freedom of religion and freedom of expression.

According to the corporate media, Obama will lecture China on the persecution of Tibetans, Uhgurs, Falun Gong, environmental degradation, currency manipulation, theft of intellectual property, imbalance of and unfair trade practices, human rights violations and the release of Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel Prize winner imprisoned by China’s authoritarian leadership.

China will in turn take the U.S. to task for supposedly initiating a global depression that will undoubtedly dwarf the Great Depression of the 1930s, accumulating a staggering debt, and interfering in its internal affairs.

Since the establishment of the Federal Reserve, economic depressions have become scientifically engineered affairs, as Congressman Lindberg said in the Congressional Record on December 22, 1913, after the Federal Reserve Act was passed in the dead of the night.

We are told the Chinese are mighty sore about their undervalued Treasury stake, but this is a cover too. QE2 and the printing of funny money out of thin air by the Federal Reserve is a shrewd if cynical device engineered to take down the once Great United States.

China owns us. There will be blood – but not before Obama, Biden, Clinton, and the political class grovel and kiss the ring and this act is covered up by a complaisant corporate media.

Debt, trade, discussion, pomp and circumstance – all of this is little more than cover. Hu Jintao and his minions have arrived in the district of criminals for one reason and one reason only – to plant a red flag of corporatism – that is, fascism – on Constitution Avenue.

According to the globalists, China is the next evolutionary step in human history. Our future is a high-tech prison planet, electronic panopticon, and eventually a killing field unless we do something about it – and soon.

“Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history,” David Rockefeller told the New York Times.

Mao’s “social experiment” has come to America. The holy writ of Maoism was forged out of
Marxism, the latter a contrivance of Wall Street and the banksters.

Cartel capitalism has enjoyed a long standing love affair with communism, as the late Gary Allen so eloquently pointed out.

“If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of superrich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all,” Allen wrote. “Instead it becomes the logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite.”

Power-seeking megalomaniacs built the China Miracle from the ground up over the last few decades and now it has come to claim a stake in America.

Hu Jintao did not arrive here to eat dinner in the the Old Family Dining Room at the White House and talk shop with Obama the teleprompter reader and his Goldman Sachs, CFR, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderberg advisors.

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Hu Jintao arrived to plant the flag and initiate the next phase in a globalist effort to turn the planet into a slave gulag and ultimately a well-oiled killing machine meticulously designed by an inbred gaggle of eugenicist psychopaths.

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  • I've spent years at UH Manoa, with the Tibetian monks especially when the nun's were being slaughtered in Tibet.  American Nun's came back to US and stayed at East West Center.  We did filming and Kumu John Lake was instrumental in helping the Tibetian Nuns all of which was on Olelo for almost two year.  I was just a camera person helping out with the filming.  These nun's had the tenacity and political strength to endure Tibetian frontal opposition with China--they were not light weight in their actions.  And, in the dorms we had Chinese students from China!


    When the Dalai Lama came to Honolulu, we were prepared for his visit to Oahu.  The State of Hawaii refused to give the Dalai Lama security support, so the Na Kanaka was his security.  We have hosted many foreigners in the Islands and have not denied any voice a place on our Na Kanaka platform. 


    One such hosting, was the Asian Development Banks conference in Hawaii.  Mr. Ballo and his country men were able to peacfully confront the Banker's at the corner of Atkinson and Kalakaua-Ala Moana streets.  In the faces of heavy security.  Mr. Ballo was elated and personally thanked the Na Kanaka one to one for giving all of his country men an opportunity to confront these bankers. 


    Yesterday, knowing that this was a problem in Asian countries, I asked my Laotian student that just returned to Hawaii from visiting her mom in Laos, how was the villagers.  Living in a place for thousands of years and being asked to move for Asian Development projects is very devastating to many Asian countries.  My Laotian student is very American and was happy to be home because of wars, sewage flowing in the streets, bathrooms are a whole in the floor.  We talked about Human Trafficking (my passion) and although she expressed her loss of country, she prefer to be American.  She had a Laotian accent and the appearance of a beautiful Laotian.  She lives with American father and step mother in Hawaii.   She understood the villagers and refused to go and visit up country with her parents.  It was interesting to me that such a young age, she had an indebth awareness of 'bakers' devastations.  But have no where to express thes concerns.  The rest of the class just sat and listened intently.   My students are aware of the Korean situation and their Golf Ball in Pearl Harbor. 


    There is much to learn about Free, Independence and Action Alliance. 


    Where is the global agenda, national agenda, and local agenda.  One's behavior (burn out) needs repair and constant thinking skills. 



    • Morning Kaohi,


      Did you know that Tibet sits on a mother lode of Uranium..............Leuren Moret found that out in her researches........


      China is basically notifying the U.S. that they own the U.S..................


      Perhaps the Hawaiian Kingdom should also follow suit with placing a flag there as well? hmmm..............


      Because the U.S. owes the Hawaiian Kingdom, our Royal families, and our subjects/citizens for rents, and leases.................


      By posting this message on the forums, it is imparting information to the World that the U.S. indeed owes us $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins, retroactive to 1893................which also means that England, and the bankers (Morgan and International bankers) are in the same boat with the U.S.............China and the Hawaiian Kingdom should plant flags in England, and the banks as well...........


      These are ours flags





      Thumbnail 5:09 Added to queue



      by DaHawaiian06 3 years ago 11,577 views

      Thumbnail 2:34 Added to queue

      Hawaiian Sovereignty

      hawaii sov

      by mentos118 1 year ago 1,244 views



      Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom for the Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2011-0009

      • Yes, I did but at that time that I was running around with the Nuns at UH Manoa, I knew very little about the world problems.  But I had a camera in my hand! 


        From that experiences, I had private moments with Kumu John Lake. 


        I went to your cite late last night and you posted the Hawaii Laws from a Book, I was trying to read it page by page.  It was interesting!


        This year Hawaii is going to host the Asian Bankers again!  Or, some bankers conferences. 


        I am more concern with the EPA and their infiltration agenda Region 9.  I believe the head guy is going to weave in the Native American, All of Pacific Islanders and Hawaii into one house.  This means ocean contaminate storage.  The Nuclear Proliferation Treaty will include these findings.  He is coming in Mar.  2011.  To little time to prepare.


        The culture interpretations of Waianae meetings started yesterday.  After work I went to see Kanahele to see if what was said at the meetings.  He did not attend and didn't know about the meeting, however, said that he will follow up on it.  MMmmm!


        Waianae is a baby target, from my perspective, in hopes that this child will grow up to be a 24 year old sick child because of the major contamination on land and ocean. 

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