It is truly sad that David Kennedy-Gang acted like an Admiral John Percival, which both preyed on women, children and the elderly with their notions of whoredom (Kingdum).  What has not changed since the first warship that came to Hawaii to prevent American soldiers from marrying Hawaiian women are the 'whoredom' syndrom in the minds of Christians.  Today, similar tactics are being played on our people.  In homeless shelters children are being sent to detention homes for misunderstood behavior.  

In the light of Keaau's women with children did not want to go to shelters because of the risk to their children.  Children are being sent to dentention home on a whim and without due process or services that should be made available at the time of the incident in a shelter.

Our shelter's are run by military veterans and they are working as if they are Admiral Percival or Dennis Dunn (CPS Guru) of the State.  Our children are most vulnerable and do need the cultural basic practices of caring for each other under supervision of practitioners.  All my life I have had a disliked for Hawaiian organizations that had a foot in the American system and another up our behind.  There was only one thing that the early Americans had and that was to imprison Hawaiians for their labor causes.  And too, I loathed the very existence as my father said quackery doctors that operated on Hawaiian children to prevent them from child bearing in the future.  

I see non of the above any different from yesterday and today.  

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