Kupuna Val Ahko who spoke out against this desecration is being railroaded by the state archeologists who is acting on behalf of the State and Federal government. His words are being used against him by Hal Hammett and his team of Archaeologists who have proceeded to dig Mahuna u'uone WITH OUT consulting with Native Hawaiians, Lineal descendants,a memorandum of agreement or burial plan.
Hal Hammett, State of Hawaii Lead Archeologist have been campaigning the massive destruction of our Traditional Cultural Properties of Wailuanuiahoano as well as the destruction of our Ancient History that lies protected in the sands of Wailuanuiahoano.
Evolutionary prejudices held by these powerful groups of scientists who act as a "knowledge filter" has eliminated evidence challenging accepted views and leave us with a radically altered understanding of our origins and antiquity.
We do not want or need scientist like him, telling us, what our history was. We are connected to OUR Kupuna who’s IWI and DNA is OCCUPYING our AINA . We know in our NA'AU who we are. This HAOLE' Scientist intentions is to remove our KUPUNA IWI for the State and Federal Government so that there is no history or OCCUPATION of the Lands and then they can Proceed with THEIR western Schemes and Ideas, changing the historical usage of OUR lands.
chicken skin i get for our Sacred Ohana Nations of our Kingdom of Kauai........this is one of the sacred islands that kamehameha did not affect with his bad outside influrences of canons and guns given by American Intruders of COOK the Crook......remember kamehameha lost 9 battles on Big Island alone by REAL ROYAL ALI'I NUI's...untill the crooks came and killed most of our Royal Kingdom Heirs due to the Greed and Pride of kamehameha.....murdered our Native Hawaiian Kanaka Maoli Royalties with american weapons...not kanaka maoli's, wow.......good long History of the kamehameha greedy murderous american thinking mentality.........a playing death game that is also being done to our Sacred Royal Heirs in our generation today!!!!...by the desendents of kamehameha (oahu amelia and kinney), hummmmmmmm!!!!!....and how i know i have been living it for 49 yrs. and still no RESOLUTION??? for the Betterment of our Royal Kingdom Heir's.....why am i treated worst then one imigrant, plantationer, illegal greedy christian americans and migrant on my Sacred Royal Lands of my Royal Ancestors...Why?......because we have the deaf, dumb, blind and LOST leading us to NO WHERE TO GO???....we are of this new and improved generation with education of our past and now future...to KUKANAKA (to stand tall) and to be RECOGNIZED in this fake state and to always REMEMBER TO REMOVE AND THEN TO REPLACE and soon REJOICE~~~mauruuru.....da princess of Moku'ula, Lahaina the oringal Royal Capitol of our Hawaiian Kingdom Government~~~
Pono Kealoha and I jumped on the air plane to document and stand along side the care takers of our ancient families. We stayed with Noelani Diego-Josselin and her family. We also stayed with the Grace's at Anahola.
Section 106 is very important to learn and understand their protocol and their Ebay grave robbing actions. That is true so that there is no history.
The reconstructivist from the garage are dirty people! Kawaiahao Church was addressed but failed to have a clear understanding of political action. The narratives worked to counter the Hal Hammett, but the actual political action was smeared by ego's and Veterans of the US Armed Forces.
Follow the precedence of Kauai for they are specific and watching carefully over Hal Hammett State of Hawaii Lead Archeologist!