Test Your NAVY IQ!
     1. How many aircraft carriers in the US Navy?
     2. How many identified contamination sites within the Pearl Harbor Naval Complex?
     3. What is the cost of missile tests between Vandenburg AFB in California and Kwajelein Atoll
in the Marshall Islands?
     4. How much will the Navy’s DDG-1000 Stealth Destroyer cost?
     5.What is the cost of the Aegis missile program, developed and tested here on Kauai at PMRF?
     6. Because of deficits and hard times at home, how much will the Pentagon’s (and Navy’s) budget be reduced over the next ten years?
   7. How does US military spending compare to other countries?

1. Eleven. That’s 10 more than any other country. Two more, the John F Kennedy and the Gerald R
Ford, are under construction at an average cost of $2.7 Billion. (1)
2. 748. All consolidated into one superfund site. Cost to clean up estimated at $2.6 Billion. (2)
     3. $100 Million. The sea based X-Band Radar, a 280 foot tall ocean going platform critical to the scripted testing, costs $800 Million. (3). Checking all shipping containers arriving in US for radioactivity has
been stalled by Homeland Security Sec Napolitano as “not technologically feasible”.
     4. $3 Billion. With research and development added, $7 Billion. (4)
     5. Figures not available to the taxpayers. Lockheed Martin, the lead contractor, billed the Pentagon for
$45.8 Billion in 2010, a $260 “Lockheed Martin” tax on every American household. (5)
     6. After growing 6% each year for the last ten years, the military budget is projected to grow 2.5% each
year for the next ten years. (6)
     7. More than the next 15 countries combined. Almost five times more than China. The US spends 4.7%
of GDP, the world average is 2.6%. (7)
     1) Environmental Protection Agency #HI4170090076   2) America’s Navy blogsite  3) Washington Post 12/15/10
     4) Fox News 6/4/12  5) Dept of Defense Top 100 Contractors June 2011   6) U.S. News and World Report 8/18/11
     7) Wikipedia
     “Again and again it has always been the world’s leading lending country that has been the
premier country in terms of political, diplomatic and cultural influence…we are now the world’s
biggest debtor country, and we are continuing to wield influence on the basis of military prowess alone.”          Benjamin Friedman

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  • Do we die faster than birthing children?  Therefore do we import humans to continue the human race on polluted islands?

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