There are great people on facebook that can write, conduct public forums, and tow the line with Enforcement's.  Laulani Teale, H Doug Masuoka, Nova Smith and many others that can protest, get arrested, write, speak intelligently on these human problems of poverty and know the laws and government abuses.  

What I do in my community is to go out into the houseless areas. These are just some of the things that I do: take their garbage to the dump, take people to the doctors, grocery shopping, share my clothes and things with, and if I can, get them in to schools or even jobs.  Feeding the houseless is the most rewarding time together.  My grandparent took care of thousands of people during their time. I am in a small way following in their footsteps, but small kine compared to their giant way. 

This is not a job for one person.  Thomas Square 'talk story' allows me to think through the devastation that happens in Waianae.  The State agencies enjoy the violence that goes with their pay check.  There is a mixture of human poverty and human poverty to be.  In the to be poverty, I see government as the hindrance or the creator of poverty.  Which is my big excuse to not work with government people that have the means to stop these poverty happenings in Waianae, but are turned on to the violence.  When I visit Thomas Square, I'm searching for answers, hence my reason for traveling from Waianae on Sunday to sit and talk story with a diverse group of thinkers that are willing to be on the frontline with these grave concerns.  

Given that my opinion that government are the creators of poverty--it is the enforcement that in each state department that  seem to be secretly hiring violent and crazy M13 mentality which are causing a tremendous layer of violence in our community.  

For example, native Hawaiian community begets poverty because it is internally set up within the Department of Hawaiian Homesland, and partnering with Office of Hawaiian Affairs.  Here is a start to note:


Land Management Division

Land Management Division

The Land Management Division, is responsible for management of the Department's nonhomestead land, maximizing returns from existing and potential income properties, enforcement activities, and development of a comprehensive land inventory. Its three branches are: (1) the Technical Services Branch, which provides the Division with appraisal preparations and documentation of license and easement agreements, as well as computerization of DHHL's land inventory; (2) the Land Management Branch, which manages the Department's lands which are not currently under homestead lease, which includes maintaining those lands and working with general lessees and licensees; and (3) the Income Property Branch, which is charged with developing some of DHHL's land for income purposes. When completed, the lands will be turned over to the Land Management Branch for management.

The Technical Services Branch provides technical services emphasizing the preparation of appraisals and the documentation of license and easement agreements. The branch is computerizing the land inventory.

The Land Management Branch manages the department's lands not under homestead lease. Includes maintaining the lands and working with general lessees and licensees.

The Income Properties Branch develops DHHL's non-homestead land for income purposes.

The question is how does one understand the devastation's in which these people manage to create poverty in Waianae?  And Why?  When one comes into precise focus--build the the grounds of Wall Street into the equation, belligerence of their enforcement unit, and ignorant commissioners from all islands, the question is to ask who is in charge?

I have no answers to these problems because it's just incomprehensible to think such a monster exist.  Department of Hawaiian Homestead do not need a banker's unit that operates out of total the objective to bankrupting native Hawaiians with 50% plus bloodquantum, so that the general leases which are non-Hawaiians can achieve their millions of dollar losses.  

If one does not know yet, we do not own the land therefore only in subleases can profits be made by non native Hawaiian and with the use of the Rehabilitation monies that comes to Hawaii.  It's appalling that those of us that are 50% plus bloodquantum that do get used up in these business deals.  Among governing agencies and their partnering developers and the banks, we simply don't stand a chance against tasers and guns.  It get's to be a laughing joke after a while.  All the 'pride' and Na kanaka turns into swill at the trough and people wonder why we have houseless in Waianae.  Kippen the new guy in town on housless issues is a whoose and do not have the makings to get a native Hawaiian child to his classroom on time, let alone feed him a wormless meal.  


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  • Precise understand needs to happen to solve the houseless problems for native Hawaiian children and their families.

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