Men that are missing their foreskin are true to their standing position.  His creation of unconsciousness about the Hawaiian Kingdom origin.  Today the Hawaiian Kingdom in it's ideologies are just small fragments of that reasoning behind that foreskin removal. 


Defining character

Glass platter inscribed with the Hebrew word zakhreinu - we will remember

Unlike other ancient Near Eastern gods, the Hebrew God is portrayed as unitary and solitary; consequently, the Hebrew God's principal relationships are not with other gods, but with the world, and more specifically, with the people He created.[19] Judaism thus begins with an ethical monotheism: the belief that God is one, and concerned with the actions of humankind.[20] According to the Hebrew Bible, God promised Abraham to make of his offspring a great nation.[21] Many generations later, he commanded the nation of Israel to love and worship only one God; that is, the Jewish nation is to reciprocate God's concern for the world.[22] He also commanded the Jewish people to love one another; that is, Jews are to imitate God's love for people.[23] These commandments are but two of a large corpus of commandments and laws that constitute this covenant, which is the substance of Judaism.

Thus, although there is an esoteric tradition in Judaism (Kabbalah), Rabbinic scholar Max Kadushin has characterized normative Judaism as "normal mysticism," because it involves every-day personal experiences of God through ways or modes that are common to all Jews.[24] This is played out through the observance of the halakhot and given verbal expression in the Birkat Ha-Mizvot, the short blessings that are spoken every time a positive commandment is to be fulfilled.

The ordinary, familiar, everyday things and occurrences, we have constitute occasions for the experience of God. Such things as one's daily sustenance, the very day itself, are felt as manifestations of God's loving-kindness, calling for the Berakhot. Kedushah, holiness, which is nothing else than the imitation of God, is concerned with daily conduct, with being gracious and merciful, with keeping oneself from defilement by idolatry, adultery, and the shedding of blood. The Birkat Ha-Mitzwot evokes the consciousness of holiness at a rabbinic rite, but the objects employed in the majority of these rites are non-holy and of general character, while the several holy objects are non-theurgic. And not only do ordinary things and occurrences bring with them the experience of God. Everything that happens to a man evokes that experience, evil as well as good, for a Berakah is said also at evil tidings. Hence, although the experience of God is like none other, the occasions for experiencing Him, for having a consciousness of Him, are manifold, even if we consider only those that call for Berakot.[25]

Whereas Jewish philosophers often debate whether God is immanent or transcendent, and whether people have free will or their lives are determined, Halakha is a system through which any Jew acts to bring God into the world.

Ethical monotheism is central in all sacred or normative texts of Judaism. However, monotheism has not always been followed in practice. The Jewish Bible (Tanakh) records and repeatedly condemns the widespread worship of other gods in ancient Israel.[26] In the Greco-Roman era, many different interpretations of monotheism existed in Judaism, including the interpretations that gave rise to Christianity.[27]

Moreover, as a non-creedal religion, some have argued that Judaism does not require one to believe in God. For some, observance of Jewish law is more important than belief in God per se.[28] In modern times, some liberal Jewish movements do not accept the existence of a personified deity active in history.[29]

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  • this act will REPLACE and REMOVE OHA and scared Native Hawaiians you are now RECOGNIZED in this illegal fake state.....IMUA and take advantage of the open oppurtunities to make a difference in our next future generation, we need to get in there and renew our Native Hawaiian Justice System.......Imua.....move forward....even if it is in the den of the demons......for Ke Akua will Lead our people with Protection......ask it, believe it and soon we all will RECIEVE it....mauruuru.....remember this is only an ACT.....we will be the one to Perform the duties of our Royal Hawaiian Kingdom.....da princess of Maui Nui~~~~
  • Act 195 is a brain child of OHA and their candidates.  Who will benefit from the formation of Act 195?  All of  Judaism citizens has a relationship to their god!  In this case OHA a Judaic organization created a candidate listing of small leaders.  Now it's the people world.  Think!!!!


    If one haven't really served the people, but stood alone in ones closet than it's a closet.

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