Diverted Pharmaceuticals

Diverted pharmaceuticals are a growing concern in Hawaii. According to DEA, some of the most abused pharmaceutical drugs in Hawaii are hydrocodone products such as Lortab and Lorcet (both combinations of hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen) and diazepam (a sedative hypnotic). These drugs are illegally sold for $3 to $7 per tablet. OxyContin, the brand name for controlled-release oxycodone, is becoming more popular. There have been 2 OxyContin-related deaths on Oahu as of March 2002 compared with 19 in 2001, 6 in 2000, and 3 each in 1999 and 1998. According to the Honolulu chief medical examiner, abusers of OxyContin typically are Caucasian males in their forties and fifties. Another pharmaceutical, Dilaudid (a synthetic narcotic), sells for $40 to $80 per tablet. Pharmaceuticals most commonly are diverted through prescription forgery or theft or by doctor shopping, which involves obtaining prescriptions from multiple sources. Caucasian criminal groups and local independent dealers are the primary distributors of diverted pharmaceuticals in Hawaii.

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  • It's not all that difficult to push drug pushers out of ones community--it takes commitment!

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