Maui’s Starr, Yamamura Confirmed to State Water Commission

April 18th, 2012 · No Comments · Comments Via Facebook (0) · FeaturedMaui News

Maui Senators congratulate Jonathan Starr as a newly confirmed member of the Hawaii State Commission on Water Resource Management. (L-R)Senator J. Kalani English, Jonathan Starr, Senate President Shan Tsutsui, Senator Roz Baker. Photo Courtesy, Hawai'i State Senate Communications.

By Wendy Osher

The Hawaii State Senate on Tuesday confirmed Maui residents Jonathan Starr and Ted Yamamura to the Hawaii State Commission on Water Resource Management.

Both were nominated by Governor Neil Abercrombie, and were subject to Senate confirmation.

“Both Mr. Yamamura and Mr. Starr are highly qualified individuals who will contribute to the Commission with their background and expertise,” said Senate President Shan Tsutsui of Maui.

Starr has more than 40 years of experience in water source development and resource management projects.

His experience includes a four-year term on the Maui Board of Water Supply; and a five-year term on the Maui Planning Commission, including two years as Commission Chair.

Starr also studied traditional Hawaiian and Polynesian water resource management techniques.

Yamamura, meantime, is one of the founders of ACM Consultants, Inc.–one of the largest independent real estate consulting, valuation, and research companies in Hawaii.

In addition to his work experience, Yamamura served on the Board of Land and Natural Resources from 2001-2006; was former president of the International Right of Way Association, Hawaii Chapter No. 30 in 2004; was a member of the County of Maui Board of Water Supply since 2008; and served as past president of the Hawaii Chapter of the Appraisal Institute in 2010.

“I feel confident that Mr. Yamamura and Mr. Starr understand the complexities of water issues and will serve the Commission and State effectively,” said Senator J. Kalani English.

Fellow Senator, Roz Baker, also of Maui said, “Mr. Starr and Mr. Yamamura have demonstrated knowledge and experience in working with our natural resources and I believe those qualities will make them good stewards of our water resources.”

***Supporting information courtesy Hawai’i State Senate Communications.

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