Why in the hell do anyone want to be native Hawaiian? Are you people nuts! Most of you have lived a free life and to say the things you want to say. Dance and sing on a stage. Free from "Perverts" and to choose your partner without forced sex. Your children were not ripped from you after birth or from your womb. Why opt for removing ovaries and having it sold on the black market. All in the name of science. Why in the fricken hell do any of you want to have a piece of you in a science tissue lab?
This is insane!
All of what is written on the Akaka Bill is no different from what our Na Kupuna women (Waianae DHHL) talked about nothing new. Not even the fricken military hide-aways.
This fricken language are from stupid UH Manoa Law School, and assholes (OHA) that debunked the entire Rehabilitation Program since 1974. Now these 'fools' are back (spirits from hell-new borns) in hopes that they receive the power, their pay checks, and the hair pulling 'thrill of GENOCIDE!
Free yourselves demand the bloodquantum or eat shit and die!
The state adopted out 3,000 native Hawaiian children to the US. And they are demanding to do it again. None of you hear got your shit together because you have lived your life free of DHHL human hell conditioning.
Why are you all opting to loose all of the Hawaiian Kingdom, your independence, and your lives? Just to put on a dress, and dance with US military soldiers and have their illegitimate kid?
DHHL is a US pig sty it wreaks with broken spirits!
People die in this hell hole before their time, and they die and disappear leaving not a trace of who they were.
Demand the fricken 'Bloodquantum'. At 50% and nothing less, the successorship at 25%.
Racist--FUCK YEAH! By US citizenship.
But at least you would be free to speak your language, sing a song, dance to a hula that your Na Kupuna created. Look at your child walk down the aisle in a High School Graduation, a wedding--instead of a fricken box!!!!! or urn!
Demand the BLOODQUANTUM!! Pisst the shit off the Governor (Dingle), the UH Manoa (bastards), OHA (Greedy PIG'S). The whole Republic give them the boot up their ass-demilitarize Hawaii.
Do the unconscionable--demand the bloodquantum--this is your only saving grace.
Remain in control! Of your spirit, your family, your love for your ancestors and their aina.
You don't need 200,000 acres of OK corral, and you don't need to be present or part of the slaughter. Demand the bloodquantum and free yourselves to live with human dignity.
I spoke to Aunty Frenchy and I asked her why did she leave DHHL? The next time you see her ask her this question, and listen to her answer.
Trust me I wanted to walk up to her when her number came up #80 (?). And tell her it was not all what it was all cracked up to be. And, that the demand/damage was so great that nothing could save our people. People were pissed off because my number was 11. I am not sure around 1982 or 3, we were at the Waianae Inter. School to pick our lots. That's when it all happen and I can remember this vividly. I promised my Uncle Randy Kalahiki that I would take care of her, and I am keeping my promise. I wanted to tell her that I am glad, she no long have to suffer to see the living dead--so to speak. She spoke about her grandson. Children die before their time on DHHL, and they are not news worthy--just a cash crop.
I hated having this process of having to choose a lot with a passion, my children were free from this hell hole and I could sign my name on that fricken paper on the fricken wall. For my mother I went back home to help our people, yeah right! I was schooled in deep debt as to what DHHL stood for, and where it was going which in my view to hell. My mother wanted to make sure that her children and grandchildren was going to be alright after she leaves this world. So I am here.
Shave and carve out your ego-from this important decision--write to congress and demand a bloodquantum of 50%. We cannot be saved from this capitalistic genocide. As Aunty Frenchie realized in the end. Spread your wings and be free, not your legs. DHHL is a natalist program for human breeding, and it also has a plus element--our human tissue are lab specimens no thanks to the Anthropologist cocoon at an academic ivory tower.
Science Fiction--I wish this was so. Think, it spreads its reality in the Akaka Bill archipelago wide. Why even sacrifice your children? It's not worth it! Walk away--you don't need the Federal Government pointing a gun to head, and shooting your children with another.
Your skins are white, your eyes are Asian, and you've lived on fee simple land/condo (privately owned). You are free--stay free opt out of the Akaka Bill and demand the Bloodquantum!!!! Don't join us for sake of frills and deals, they are for the Republic of Fools!!!!!
Malama Pono