Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) is Congress's leading global warming denier. Now he wants to deny your right to breathe cleaner air that won't kill you or make you sick.
Please take action today. Help us stop the Inhofe toxic air bill, which would wipe the EPA's life-saving Mercury and Air Toxics Standards off the books and punch a huge hole through our clean air protections.
Sen. Inhofe's bill -- S.J. Res 37 -- would use the obscure Congressional Review Act to block EPA's new emission standards for hazardous mercury and other toxic air pollution.
If enacted, this bill would also forever prohibit the EPA from adopting substantially similar clean air standards in the future.
These standards have been in the works for more than two decades!
- They will prevent up to 11,000 premature deaths every year.
- They will protect our kids from dangerous exposure to toxic mercury pollution, which can cause brain damage in infants and young children.
- And they will save the U.S. economy tens of billions of dollars in avoided health costs every year while putting 85,000 - 117,000 Americans to workinstalling pollution control technologies between now and 2015.
Last year, more than 800,000 Americans submitted comments to the EPA in support of these landmark standards.
But now, a small group of power industry lobbyists and their allies in the Senate are putting pressure on Senators to support Inhofe's toxic air assault to wipe these life-saving, job-creating standards off the books.
We can't let them win -- not with the stakes so high.
Please take action today. Don't let Sen. Inhofe and the Dirty Air Lobby deny your right to clean, healthy air that won't kill you or make you sick.
Sen. Inhofe claims to have the number of signatures he needs to force a vote on the floor of the Senate at any time. And, unlike most other Senate action, this bill filed under the Congressional Review Act only requires 51 votes.
Help us make sure a majority of the Senate stands with our kids and families against this toxic air assault.
Please take action today.
Thanks for all you do,
Heather Shelby
Online Membership Associate