Pesticide Risk Reduction Education Short Course
Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - Thursday, September 20, 2012. See Description.
Category: Course/Workshop.  Location: Lihue, Kauai

Each day: 8:00am-3:45pm.
Register by August 24.
This short course would benefit those who want to (1) be better informed about handling pesticides correctly or (2) prepare for the Hawaii Department of Agriculture's certification exam for restricted use pesticides. An instructor from the UH College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources will emphasize the study packet’s "core" materials, which provide information common to all categories of certification. Topics include:
>Types & formulations of pesticides
>Pesticide labeling & MSDSs
>Laws and regulations about buying, storing, transporting, applying, disposing of pesticides, and employee protection
>Integrated pest management (IPM) concepts
>Common pests' general identification features & life cycles
>Common application equipment
>Dilution and dosage calculations
>Pesticide movement and breakdown
>Groundwater protection
>Endangered species protection
>Carry-over, resistance, phytotoxicity
>Hazards to pesticide handlers
>Protective clothing and equipment
>Safe mixing, loading, & application
>Proper transport, storage, & disposal.
“Category-specific” topics such as life cycles of specific pests and specialized equipment and calculations are covered only in the study packets, not in the short course. So people who plan to take a certification exam should also study the “category-specific” materials in the study packet.
The free leaflet “Test Your Math Skills” is available from the instructor or from The leaflet presents exercises and answers that will help trainees refresh basic math skills needed to understand the instructor’s calculation examples. Trainees who find the exercises difficult will get more benefit from the short course if they seek tutoring before the course begins.

More information: 
Charles Nagamine , (808) 956-6007

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