Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith shared a link Dec30_Occupy_protesters_pushed_out_of_Th...: " Do you remember this day? well I do and I said i would do something about the issue. A class war on the Houseless is real in Honolulu After 21 year of environmental activism and advocating for civil rights, I moved to Hawai`i. I have been battling the injustice against the houseless before I even arrived on the island. The 9th District Federal court has made its second statement on the treatment of the homeless in America but this time with a ruling. The ruling says to stop all confiscation of property unless it poses a threat of danger and under no reason should property be destroyed. The ruling also stated it violates the 4th amendment right. According Office of the City Auditor (2007), “Since 1998, no in-lieu fees were expended for affordable housing related purposes. Between FY1992-93 to FY2005-06, the city collected nearly $4.5 million in in-lieu fees. We found that at least $3.2 million in in-lieu fees from the former Housing Assistance Fund were directed into the city’s general fund instead of being spent on affordable housing initiatives” (Management of Unilateral Agreements in Affordable Housing). In 2004, the in-lieu fee balance was only $391,371. Placing in-lieu fees into the general fund, the city has crippled the effectiveness of the Housing Development Special Fund. The report also found there was no plans, goals, or objectives set out for the in-lieu fees. In February 2010, the amendment of affordable housing rules shows the equation for working out the in-lieu fee is more complicated and still promotes corporate buyout. There is still no definitive structure locking funds and fees as only for the affordable housing development special fund. There is also nothing about where all the funds have gone so far. Early 2012, the city has made its choice to violate civil rights under the authority of the corporate and city council’s implementation of Bill 54 (Stored Property Ordinance, 11-029). The city and county’s willingness to act out against civil rights costing million of dollars by attacking the houseless camps island wide to steal from and abuse individuals suffering from mental health, physical health, and those dealing with the economic fall is intolerable. The County Housing Coordinator, Trish K. Morikawa has stated “we're putting them in crisis.” October 2012 Honolulu wants to sell 1257 units that could displace 700+ Gap Group tenants through privatization. Another concern is a raise in rental fees for those still able to use the units. Approximately 62% of the units are within district 6, which covers the area from downtown to Kalihi. This means a bigger houseless issues for district 6. To make matter worse the gap group of 80%-120% is also under talk of increasing to 60%-120%. This means even less will be help and an increase in houseless situation in District 6. I call for a new audit of the city and county of Honolulu and demand measures to promote true open government to hold those elected accountable. I also support raising lieu fees to match Hawai`i county’s fee of $115,000 per unit to promote building of Affordable Housing on new construction. With my “Work One Program” I could help the houseless get off the street with housing first with alternatives, offer job location, job training, and rehabilitation, and save taxpayers millions while promoting Equal Civil Rights and community sustainability. Mahalo, Christopher Nova Smith"

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