It was during the Ben Caytano years that the whale 'anglo' society wanted to create a sanctuary for whales from Nanakuli and wrap around to the northshore.
I believe it is the same people with the same purpose and that is to gain jurisdiction for capitalism such as feeding the sharks ventures.
So I do not agree with Kahea and their intent to save the introduced Hawaiian Monk Seal to Hawaii as needing to extend their sanctuary area. They already have their own territorywhich is up at the NorthWestern part of the Hawaiian Chain.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal is not friendly as a matter of fact they are dangerous and will eat children in the water. The are swift, smart and very nasty. A male will mate with a female until he kills her. Which is why so-called scientist kill the males to increas the population of Hawaiian Monk Seals.
Mahu---tell the world that you are in love... even though that person tells you no! You don't get it. Not every Hawaiian male like other males!
Aloha e Luwella ,
Great news! Thanks to pressure from KAHEA members and the Center for Biological Diversity, Hawaii’s beaches are up for unprecedented protection. Designating our beaches as critical habitat for Hawaiian monk seals will mean the U.S. cannot build, bomb, or do anything that undermines protected beaches... this is good for seals, good for us.
It took a lot to get this far and there is still plenty to do, but we need your financial help to make it happen. Public hearings start in one week and there are fliers to distribute, posters to hang, and pressure to apply to make sure these protections are as strong and far-reaching as possible. Will you help us raise $2,000 to save the monk seal from extinction?
We are already seeing pushback from those that do not want our shorelines protected from inappropriate development and military exercises. We need your financial help to make this victory a reality. Please help us, by donating now.
E Aloha ‘Āina,
Kehaulani Watson, Native Hawaiian Representative for the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale Sanctuary
“Monk seals have been part of Hawai`i’s fragile marine ecosystem for millions of years, they, like all animals of the sea, are children of Kanaloa. We have a kuleana to keep this system healthy and in balance. Their loss, added to the past and ongoing disappearances of so many species, will leave a Hawaiian ecosystem that is broken and diminished for future generations. We cannot allow this to happen.”
Read more from the Q&A with Kehau on our website. Plan now to attend the public hearing in your neighborhood in August.
News and Events Round Up
Conservation District Rule Changes -- Three Loopholes Remain
August 12, 2011 in Honolulu
After massive public opposition to the first draft of proposed changes that severely watered down protections, the Department of Land and Natural Resources has submitted a new draft of proposed changes. This new draft is a marked improvement -- your involvement made a huge difference -- but there are still a few major loopholes that contribute to the privatization of public trust (Crown and Kingdom) lands. Click here to read more:
The Land Board is holding the final public hearing on the new rules on August 12, 2011 at 9 am at the Kalanimoku Building 1151 Punchbowl Street, room 132. If you care about protecting public trust resources, please attend the hearing and submit your comments to
Aloha Mauna Kea: TMT Contested Case Hearing Begins August 15th in Hilo
Up against million-dollar lawyers and fancy PR-campaigns, the community-based MaunaKea hui is working hard to prepare for the contested case hearing over the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). The TMT proposes to build a new 18-story, 5-acre structure on one of the last undeveloped plateau’s near the summit. The hui’s position is simple: Mauna Kea is a conservation district, and conservation districts are for conservation, not industrialization.
The hui needs your financial help to present their case -- flying in witnesses, producing exhibits, purchasing transcripts. Please support protection of our conservation districts by giving to the Mauna Kea Legal Defense Fund.
Hearings are from August 15-18th from 9am-4pm at the Hilo State Building. Hearings are open to the public. Having the public present makes a difference, even if it's just for a little while. Come when you can, leave when you have to.
Army Again Proposes Helicopter Training on Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa
Wow, gotta give ‘em props for tenacity. The Army is back again -- new Environmental Assessment in hand -- with a new proposal for helicopter training on the maunas of Big Island. We are still going through the EA, but it is already obvious there is nothing the Army could say to make military training on Mauna Kea okay. It’s a conservation district!!
Watch for more updates on this, public comment deadline is August 23rd. Click here to learn more.
Summer fashion and political action all-in-one at Please show your support (on your body and in the bank) by purchasing from our growing selection of hand-screened and professionally printed t-shirts.
100% proceeds from these shirts go to support the grassroots, community work of KAHEA, defending Hawai'i's plants, animals, people, landscape, sacredspaces and island ways of living. Look good and feel good, while doing good!
Public Monk Seal Hearings
The hearings are an opportunity to speak up in favor of protecting our beaches and reefs not only for monk seals, but also for Hawaii’s paddlers, fishers, surfers and all people of these islands.
Monday, August 8 (5:30pm-8:00pm)
Mitchell Pauole Center
90 Ainoa Street Kaunakakai
Molokai, HI 96748.
Tuesday, August 9 (5:30pm-8:00pm)
Kihei Community Center
303 E. Lipoa St. Kihei
Maui, HI 96753.
Wednesday, August 10 (5:00pm-9pm)
Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall
4191 Hardy St., Exhibit Hall B
Lihue, Kauai, HI 96766.
Thursday, August 11 (5:30pm-8:00pm)
McCoy Pavilion at Ala Moana Park
1201 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96814
Monday, August 15 (5:30pm-8:00pm)
Mokupapapa Discovery Center
308 Kamehameha Ave. #109
Hilo, HI 96720
Tuesday, August 16 (6:30pm-9:00pm)
Kahakai Elementary School
76-147 Royal Poinciana Drive
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
August 27, 2011
Ho'olako - A Taste of He'eia: Celebrating 10 years of Paepae O He'eia
Paepae o He‘eia invites you to attend its third annual benefit event. Dine on savory fishpond-grown delicacies and fresh local produce prepared by renowned Hawai‘i chefs, while being serenaded by Hawaiian musicians. A silent auction will feature an assortment of native artwork and prominent island treats.
See details on these events and more at: If you have events you want us to post, please contact Shelley Muneoka at or 877-585-2432 (toll-free, all islands)
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Our mailing address is:
1149 Bethel St., Suite #415
Honolulu, Hawai'i, 96813
Our phone number:
Reading and researching is what is needed to decide on these issues
I don't see the military training as a reason to save the monk seals.
People who support the existence of Hawaiian Monk Seals as critters of god, shop at 'Toy's R Us.' Purchasing a monk seal from a toy store is not one in the same as oppose to the real world.
We need every inch of ocean shores to access and to feed our families.