The rigorous and relevance challenges for Act 195 are to not  hurt DHHL children and the old.  The ‘roll’ has no children and its output is a death certificate for the old.  It’s the 21st Century end game.


Crossing this road twice, I assure you it was consuming and with great waste to my economics.  By registering to vote which debunked my parent’s wishes -- I had agree to Statehood!  The second was my participation in registering people to vote in the first OHA election.  I slit my own throat on that one for I was adamant against the formation of OHA. The first was innocent action, the second I knew better and understood that I would regret this move for the rest of my life. 


As for Act 195, this is our death sentence!


People should be applying for this position to protect our people and keep them from harm.  This roll will have a nihilistic action upon our Na Kanaka and all else thereafter.  Living in Hawaii is over!!!  I may not see the end results of Act 195; however we must plan for our people and their families in hopes that our children will heave over this state Act 195of ills and racism law.


Welfare mentality buys into the good sales pitch because that's the true meaning of that check.  Same with 'Indian' money and the many layers of lies, for we have yet to learn from our reservation brothers and sisters on the US continent. 


Tane speaks the truth about Act 195 and we should heed his warnings. 


We're in a bad situation which has all of us concern for our lives not just our economics. I have 30 plus years of experience in the Hawaiian movement as well as the politics and its policies that heaped ‘evil’ onto our people. 


As I said to my sister, I can gather to the center--however I know that I am not autocratic in nature.  That's a coward's moment--not being able to make a decision, we all experience these moments from time to time.  For lack of information, training, and humanity --luck has you; I hope there is a team on board that's willing to trust the Oahu commissioner and be young enough to hang in there for the cleanup.


Equally, Act 195 and its corporate owners of the data base will bring nothing but harm to our people.  We know this from 300 years of privatization and its government to omit whole groups of people.  Worst yet, US citizens dismembering native people and torching slaves hanging from trees, Act 195 will lay grounds for these crimes to continue in Hawaii. 


So I am basically trying to encourage the bravest persons to go ahead and fill out the application and do ones best to serve our people.  


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  • Reply by Tane 12 hours ago

    I cannot in good conscience participate in this comical charade.   Act 195 is a redundant piece of kukae that burns the puka mimi of any decent, intelligent, person of integrity and honor.  This piece of okole hi is the same as a high school student-body government with as much as the same clout.  The redundancy is reflected in OHA, DHHL, State Association of the Hawaiian Civic Club, CNHA, and the U.S. agerncies that help to create the fraud.

    Why attempt to control us in their WASP racist U.S.A.  sandbox when we own the entire recreational park including the parking stalls and grounds-equipment?  

    One has to be mentally-challenged or brain-washed enough to be com[pliant like sheep to be herded into a tiny sandbox and redefined as the U.S.A. pet animal tethered to remain within that flea-infested sandbox.  This is why my family household will NOT participate or subscribe to this maggot-ridden Act 195 but remain proud Hawaii nationals of the still-existing Kingdom of Hawaii which is still under continuous unlawful, belligerent occupation of the United States of America, the world's racist bully and international criminal terrorist.

    The U.S.A. continues to make a mockery of  justice, honor, integrity, democracy, and freedom.  Fuck 'em!

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