Charles Thurston is my great grandfather on my mothers side for his name is on the training center for Honolulu Fire Department.  He was the longest serving Honolulu Fire Chief of 23 years on Oahu.  Moreover, he worked to give Fire fighters a pay check as oppose to volunteer.  He felt that the people of Hawaii were deserving of credible attention to their emergency response.  It is insane to lessen and humiliate the Na Kanaka people because of their ancestral bloodline that is connected to Haloa.   My grandfather's name is my corner stone. 

I have a place at 1845 Maunawili Road for Haloa on (my fathers side) where babies were buried. From this corner, I base my contention on the existence of who I am because of both parents and their parents-parents. 

Department of Hawaiian Homes Land is an entity that couches the information on record and yes distributes the sectional land spaces to native Hawaiians with 50% plus blood quantum and their extended five generations per household.  My grandmother’s (mother side) brother Koa was a firefighter and his legacy with emergency response is perpetuated in our family.  Liliu did take care of the situation and like a firefighter post emergency response one goes home, to rest and respond to the next battle. 


I live in a community where Anglo with white skins are rarely seen or heard from.  We procreate native Hawaiian babies and care for their future in the islands with no rehabilitation monies from the federal government because the non native and their entities base their economics on birth data, social security numbers, and government (retired) pay checks.  I pay $300 per year for this service, and receive no rehabilitation monies from the federal government.  My children and grandchildren go to private schools (three generations of student loans, and tutoring fees).


The acting Hawaiian Nationals can be riding on a donkey play acting Don Quixote when it comes to those of us that are leases living on Hawaiian Homestead Land.  As to why, I will never know the answer to this heartfelt reasoning.   Hawaiian Kingdom was never connected to the Spanish American Wars!


The Kukui nut lamp never went out in the ‘niaupio or Auld and Mitchell homes because the petitioners of the Ku’e always made sure that their children would carry on their protest.  My grandparents marched in protest all my life, I know because I would polish my shoes the day before to march with my grandparents.  I was only five years old. Page 308 and I’m still on the frontline 55 years in protest of the overthrow of our beloved Queen and her Hawaiian Kingdom. 


The recent actions in front of the Iolani Palace Dec 6, was a tea party action!  I thank the existing Hawaiian Nationals for standing up to the military and their ‘hewa’ reenactment of the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Ku’e Action!  In addition, I will never forget that Kam III embedded Rice, Ben Parker, Andrews, Cooks, and Castles etc..., my family lives that letters of assurance Anglo style every day.  Everyday our taro patches lay in fallow, but are alive in Haloa spirit and its nation.


Absolutely certain the unifying (Lokahi) of our people, I agree whole heartedly.  I was on Maoliworld, went from Makaha to Waimanalo to Pear City to Iolani Palace Jan 15, 17 2011.  I did not march in the MLK because I did that last year.  This was confusing however; I was there like I’ve always been stepping into the steps of my great grandparents that went home to rest for a battle at another day, similar to what firefighters do!

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Email me when people reply –


  • "The recent actions in front of the Iolani Palace Dec 6, was a tea party action!  I thank the existing Hawaiian Nationals for standing up to the military and their ‘hewa’ reenactment of the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Ku’e Action!"


    I was there and yes there was alot of MANA WAHINE coming from their wairua (mana.) The chin.

  got us... including me and my niece screaming out while Neil Abercrombie was taking his oath at the Kalakaua Coronation Pavilion. You can hear the MANA WAHINE at :45 as well as SEEING the military LOL Mana Kane is DIFFERENT.


    At :45 me and my niece scream out "This is sacred ground!!!"


    • Ululani, nice to know that you are okay!
      • Thanks Kaohi.


        A Maori woman just recently wrote some things about Ka'ena Point. I'm sure you already know what's happening with the fence. There is that war between the mana wahine and mana kane again but "pono is as pono does."


        I am counting on those who carry the uterus vessels into the next centuries. Some men are cool though... but it is the mana wahine that will carry us through. I read your diatribe about men and war.


        E malama pono!

  • Mornin Kaohi,


    Interesting how many lean towards Keanu..............


                                                     YES, AM GOING TO GO THERE


                                                                                     by Amelia Gora, one of the Representatives of the Hawaiian Genealogy

                                                                                     Society - and founding member since 1995 (2011)


    This is for the records:


    1)  Keanu, his cousin Chris Kalama (dec.), et. als. were participants in the removal of the KAAI from the Bishop Museum and reburied it on their own on the Big Island.


    2)  Keanu, his cousin Chris Kalama (dec.), et. als. did attend our Hawaiian Genealogy Society Meeting in the Pearl City Library, Pearl City, Oahu and gave testimonies to the facts in a crowded room of 100+ members.


    3)  Details of the entire scenario was given.


    4)  The Hawaiian Genealogy Society members were appalled and speechless, partly because many, including myself, descend from those remains that were in the KAAI.


    6)  The entity State of Hawaii, Police, F.B.I. et. als. claimed to be looking for the violators......and apparently still are.


    7)  Our family feels that the Hawaiian Kingdom government, not the entity State of Hawaii must hear the case....


    8)  The Hawaiian Kingdom government must come together as Ko Hawaii Pae Aina and not any old Tom, Dick, and Harry names according to our Royal Families House of Nobles (Hulu Manu) which is made up of descendants of those in the KAAI, as well as the original HOUSE OF NOBLES.


    9)  Keanu over time has disregarded information that I've been giving him at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu; Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu; Sinclair Library, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Oahu, etc.


    10)  Keanu has given me a copy of his writing called the EVOLUTION OF THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM which is not fully correct and fails to allow new information other than his own into his thinking.


    11)  Keanu fails to do his genealogies, and was questioned by the International Court in the past.


    12)  Keanu is a military person moving on "military occupation" when the U.S. is and remains PIRATES OF THE WORLD, and conspired with the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  CHARLES REED BISHOP AND FRIENDS (includes PARASITES OF THE PACIFIC and PARROTS OF THE PACIFIC).


    13)  Keanu did move the Perfect Title Company outside of the range of the original intent which was moved on by our Cousin Herbert Pratt.  Herbert did NOT like what Keanu did.


    14)  Keanu has taken CHOKE monies from many Innocents who received bunches of documents which amounted to nothing.


    15)  The Innocents who were basically swindled, can move against Keanu at any time.


    16)  Keanu lost his parents home.  (I did attend the Court case.)


    17)  Keanu lost the homes of many.  (The contracts were drawn up and signed by the individuals.  Mahealani Ventura Oliver has done some similar things as well.)


    18)  The Innocents swindled needs to adjudicate their cases strictly with the Hawaiian Kingdom government or Ko Hawaii Pae Aina.


    19)  Keanu seeks to clear his charges as a primary reason to move forward.


    20)  Keanu operates as a nation within a nation mode, etc.


    So, these are some of the Issues, Cases recorded in our Hawaiian Kingdom government/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina records - the Royal Families House of Nobles.


    As I tell many..............KNOW WHO YOU FOLLOW.............WATCH, LOOK, LISTEN..............LEARN ABOUT THEIR BACKGROUNDS, Etc...............and that's the TRUTH.




    p.s. In the event that Keanu gets arrested for the theft of our National Treasures by a foreign government, the U.S. supporting the entity State of Hawaii, ALL OF YOU CLAIMING TO BE THE Hawaiian government MUST and WILL HAVE TO COME FORWARD!

    Thumbnail4:06Added to queue

    Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)

    Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)

    2 years ago 3,975 views

    • Thanks for the blow by blow of Keanu,



      Moving along, I have heard from those that lost their homes.  It is a chance that all took and failed, we are all failing too.  I am talking about those of us that bought homes and will eventually lose our homes.  This is a cheap shot!


      Just needed to get past the lost!  As for the bag of bones, is it safe and tuck away and out of hands of haole anthropologist hands?


      Keanu is definitely moving in the de-occupation direction to process the occupation.  If this makes you feel better, remember that whole part about 'giving enough rope to hang himself.'  That's where this is at!  It is a suicide mission that may or may not take lives, I would rather it not and that Keanu plays this process out alone.  He's got what it takes to process a safe journey; he is a lone player and too because of the liability.  If anyone gets hurt--it will be him this time around. 


      One needs to listen to Poka on Free Hawaii. People die when actively being involve with Universal Human Rights. 


      Its either Poka or Keanu at this time for their work is important to the process to reach Independence. This process cannot take over night, its long and trying for everyone.  I was sitting next to Poka and listening to Keanu sometime in the 90's--I commend him for giving Keanu personal space and for paying attention for when the time is right.  It's amazing!


      Both players are not indigenous players, but fortunately Poka stepped out there onto the plank for the Indigenous of Hawaii.  I commend him for taking that step.  In 1992, we both attended an Indigenous conference in San Francisco and on the way to the airport; I told him I wish I was a physicist.  Why that came out of my mouth is so nutty.  We need physicist today or we are going to perish.   We cannot live too long into the future with military contaminates being spread under the aggregation of”construction debris' and blessed by the NRC and their partner in crime the AEC.


      We need that question answered.  The Hawaiian Question as well as asking the essential questions is an imperative action to the movement.  I'm still choosing the de-occupation over the Independence process at this time.  That doesn't mean we stop the process for Independence.  I just can't do both at this time.  Too costly, and too much time and energy and besides I loathe the decolonization process. It's too simple and at times seems false!


      • fyi............research, Watching, even when playing by being a Hawaiian Paparazzi:



        Hawaiian Paparazzi Photo by A. Gora (2011) Hawaii 50 "Dan-O" Scratching his.... lol  (this past weekend)

        Thumbnail1:59 Added to queue

        Hawaii five-o theme song

        Hawaii five-o theme song awesome

        2 years ago 423,217 views


        p.s.  It's rather offensive to call our ancestors remains a "bag of bones", it's not o.k.  and just to let you know, all who move forward to defend their ancestors iwi would not be too happy with the comments as well..........hmmm..........I for one have participated in a number of services... mind if you retract that statement? thanks....

        • One might have missed or seen my postings on the 'bag of bones' of course it's not okay to refer to our ancestors remains as such, however, remember when that person was alive there was no politics.  Today, that person is part of a political scene, courts, rail road issues and are at rest because of some brave souls that were willing to risk the authorities--including their own people.


          Where were you when that person was sitting on a cold concrete and leaning up against a wall?  One need to examine the fact that nobody really cared enough to question the Bishop Museums crime. In this instance in my own personal way the anthropologist was committing murder when they removed this person from his resting place. 


          I have always objected to the Oahu Burial Council and their development support for construction.  And too, I've always disliked removing our iwi and putting it in a bank--like the Holocust.  Our burial was mom and baby in a women burial pryor to Christian beliefs.  Iwi's was in fetal position and I am speaking from experince too.   But that is only my own personal feelings this is not a collective. 


          As I said before one needs to have a talk with Keanu again and clear the air on things that are bothering you.  We need that occupation frame work to move on with all that is happening.  We are shifting in the wind without much to stand on.  Sometimes, I wished you were part of that docket process cause it got very lonely being there representing the whole of Oahu. 





          •  What is wierd about Keanu is that he asked me when I came out.............because it seems that he thinks all the information started coming out since the time they removed the KAAI and moved it to the Big Island................and he even laughed about it!


            So, as for me having a talk with Keanu.............hah! not necessary...........I'm stepping away from that...............the issues are, more people know what I just posted and that's that............


            behind the scenes I was on that docket because they kept sending me stuff...........


            you are not the only one out there as you seem to think............


            well, with that said............I'll not be back here and will focus on my writings, land issues, etc.


            the basic stuff has been said.............and now all kanaka maoli must do their research, meanwhile, we'll have to reclaim Queen Liliuokalani's Trust, etc. because our families are part of the true trustees, etc.


            As for Richards being Queen Liliuokalani's lover in Maunawili...............I doubt that...... because her chauffeur Richards with Dr. Katsuki were the ones in the car who killed a relative of ours named Abraham Kekai, part of our Princess Poomaikelani's stepsons...... Princess Poomaikelani was the "daughter" of Queen Liliuokalani.  Kaaumoana, the true trustee of Queen Liliuokalani was the hanai/adopted daughter of Queen Liliuokalani.


            I descend from both of the Queen's daughters..................and our family(ies) have much to do.


            Taking a back step and await my families to catch up, taking on other important priorities............the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk will go on meanwhile.......think I'll post only Pictures in Photos once in a while.  I'm outta here.


            It's been fun mostly.  Take Care/Malama Pono.


            One of my favorite spots on the Big Island next to my ancestors places - Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha, John Young, et. als.


            Thumbnail4:17Added to queue

            The Place of Refuge - Pu'uhonua o Honaunau

            Pu'uhonua o Honaunau - The Place of Refuge on the Big Island, Hawaii, music is Heiau by Hawaiian Style Band

            3 years ago 3,200 views

        • Of course it is not just a bag of bones and yes it was offensive...


          So realize that one mixed the iwi in a listing and it was hurtful too.  It's a sacred part of who we are and a reflection of the very person who supposedly took it and placed it back out of the hands of the anthropologist.   Who have been desrespecting all these years?  Who let it be desrespected?  When it comes to the iwi, I am not a simple minded person, I take it to the very cut of our spirit.  But, I can't feel this when I am talking politics.  Its a different part of my brain.


          I see I touched an accord and did it purposely.  Keep de-occupation separate and apart from our sacred thinking then I can function. 


          In Asia people take care of their dead and find it sacriligeous to remove it from its resting place.  I think its a crime, not sure.


          Reread the part of the 'iwi' I believe another meeting with Keanu is needed so that he can either go to jail, or go to processes of De-occupation.  Genealogy research is a part of the Hawaiian Question, and should be given a firmer ground to stand on when the time comes.  However, the Question needs to be put to task.  About Human Rights--Poka got a flat no!

        • Amelia,


          We've been transparent for a whole year with everything we thought, researched, questioned and had silly moments.  I strongly believed in transparency a year ago and seemed to think we did the right thing. 


          I've been reading Universal Human Rights and I just don't know something is shady on the writers from the US side of the spectrum.  How in the world can Mark Twain dictate human rights develpment and global too.  His thinking was stupid, not brilliant what is wrong with these writers to interpret China and US relations-its all so stupid.  Tibet, value of the dollar, agreement to stay out of each others affairs, I'm not doing a good job of reiterating--but the whole talk --doesn't make any sense.  Peace--is human rights about peace?  is wealth and money and banking system Peace?  Was the big deal ..peace?    What is Principles?  China Principles and US Principles..both country enjoy the art of money not peace.  Transformation from one to another is yucky!  People are hurt when they are changes from one to another.  I'm just yada yada.

          Intergration Hawaiian Kingdom and US equal to a state-- that's not true, there can only be one duck in the rubber raft.  Social civility?  Much to think, read and write!  


          Thanks for the writing!


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