Jan 14, 2009 06:13 PM
Where am i wrong? Show me some concrete numbers. Every year the native American population GROWS. This does not look like extinction to me.
i agree some of the smaller tribes need a descendency requirement, but not the bulk of them. As i saud before, some tribe count all of ones native blood, and i think that this should be used more.
But as I said before, the ones mainly whining around are the thinbloods who want to benefit from tribal enrollment. they are just making exscuses for marrying a non-indian. Were they forced to procreate with a non-indian? If they were, then I think they should go to the police department. Otherwise, stand by your choice, be proud of ALL your children heritage, and move on.
This article is making a blanket statement that we are all the vanishing natives, so we just need to get used to seeing white indians. I disagree.
i agree some of the smaller tribes need a descendency requirement, but not the bulk of them. As i saud before, some tribe count all of ones native blood, and i think that this should be used more.
But as I said before, the ones mainly whining around are the thinbloods who want to benefit from tribal enrollment. they are just making exscuses for marrying a non-indian. Were they forced to procreate with a non-indian? If they were, then I think they should go to the police department. Otherwise, stand by your choice, be proud of ALL your children heritage, and move on.
This article is making a blanket statement that we are all the vanishing natives, so we just need to get used to seeing white indians. I disagree.
Welcome to my website!
I'm Jerry D. Stubben, author of Blood Quantum.
About the Author
The author grew up among peoples of many tribes and cultures who shared stories handed down for generations or born on the spot. From this wisdom he has found true meaning in both life and death and has remained open to the knowledge of all worlds. After receiving the highest degree of higher learning, he found that the knowledge of man's mind is limited, which reaffirmed the fact that all knowledge lies beyond this world in the world yet to come for all of us.
The wisdom offered in Blood Quantum comes from the souls, not the mind, of many. Be blessed by those who offer it so willingly.
About my latest book, Blood Quantum
The world as we know it is about to change. Whether it is the Mayans' 2012 or the Christians' final days, humans can feel a major change coming to the world they now inhabit. Blood Quantum offers the hope of change of mind and soul over that of physical extermination. A world where the veil between the spirit world and the physical world once again is opened so that both can be quided by the Great Mystery of life, in a peaceful and harmonious way.
Why will many Americans be coming home to their ancestral homelands in 2012? Blood Quantum offers the ancestral answer.
Also available on Nook and Kindle and online at Authorhouse, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders and worldwide.
Like I say, I had to laugh. Like Kurux said, stand tall on our choices to marry Hawaiian, be proud of all my children and their choices and my grand childrens heritage, and just move on in life to practice ...practice...practice.
The bald eagle (US Armed Forces) the thin hair slob and the squinty eyes!