Native Hawaiian Roll Commission
Thank you for your interest in participating in the establishment of the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission.
- There are three parts to this webpage. Select the appropriate option(s):
• Nominations from Qualified Native Hawaiians
Complete this form if you are an individual who wishes to nominate yourself, and/or nominate others to serve as members of the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission. Fill out the document verifying that you are qualified to nominate a candidate(s) for the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission. Nominate up to five (5) individuals per form. Complete and submit additional forms to make more than five (5) nominations.
• Nominations from Qualified Native Hawaiian Membership Organizations
Complete this form if you are authorized by a Qualified Native Hawaiian Organization to submit its nominations for appointment to the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission to the Governor. Act 195, 2011 Session Laws of Hawai`i, defines a "qualified Native Hawaiian membership organization" as "includ[ing] an organization that, on the effective date of this Act [July 6, 2011], has been in existence for at least ten years, and whose purpose has been and is the betterment of the conditions of the Native Hawaiian people." Complete additional forms if your organization wishes to make more than five (5) nominations.
• Apply
If you have been nominated by a Qualified Native Hawaiian, including yourself, or a Qualified Native Hawaiian Organization, you MUST ALSO submit your application online to be eligible.
To apply, you must select the board 'NATIVE HAWAIIAN ROLL COMMISSION' located within the 'Governor (Gov)' category.
I was asked to apply, however, I am not able to do this at this time for I am very old and the future lies in the younger generation. I apologize for I am sending you into harms way!
Just go to the undlined sentences and click it will take you to the cite for the application.