Aloha Kakou,
We need everyone to write in letters against Aulani Wilhelms' nomination to the KS/BE Trusteeship. She was put into the USNOAA position by the LINGLE Bush Administration when Lingle came to power. She was not qualified and had been at the DLNR in a media position but as elevated by the Republicans because she is the hanai of Dan Aiona, Lingles Staff aid. He was later removed because of the "sex" scandal. While at USNOAA she used her position to support the Inouye Hawaiians ( Nainoa Thompson, Aunty Laura Thompson, Oz Stender) use & access to the Northwest Hawaiian Islands for the US Military, while supporting the extinguishment of native Hawaiian entitlements for cultural gathering & fishing. ONly the US approved "pono" group (Pua Kanahele, Lilikala etc. are allowed in the NWHI for "cultural " access. She killed the permits for the last Hawaiian voyaging paddle canoe group from Kauai under Hawaiian voyager Kimo Kapahulehua to prevent them fro sailing as cultural practitioners and only recognized Nainoa Thompson as a Hawaiian voyager. He was given all the sailing permits but never made a trip. Now, Nainoa, his mother, Stender, Apoliona etc. are all sending in support letters for her. Wilhelm supported the US plan for greater militarism of the NWHI while opposing native Hawaiian use & access for subsistence fishing. Instead she supported a blanket exemption for all US Military activities in the MOnument AND AN EXEMPTION FOR THE US MILITARY FROM THE US ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LAWS!! We need to oppose this with as many letters as possible. Wilhelm will be inclined to do the same with KS/BE lands.
Take note at the real level of what is happening in our community!!!
I had a conversation with a beautiful mother who studied for her CDL and is now a trucker, hauling loads and loads of construction debris from military bases.
This is illegal under the NRC rules! Much of the debris has nuclear isotopes. These debris are trucked to surface dump sites that has no nuclear detectoring device!
EPA is patsy to Tad Daves (Pentagon) so we found out! Hawaiians was part of this insanity to a point of career goals, not as a leader of our people. The islands are being poisioned as we speak!
Like welfare women, these women that are using this as a career goal are also, cracking deals for hopper housing. Hopper housing are homes that filter all incoming air as well as energy sufficient. One can listen to hopper society radio broadcaste with Tad Davies for 2050 plus plus sustainability plan. Just do a little research!!! Waianae just recently built some of this houses for native Hawaiians.
At this time the venture capitalist Native Hawaiian UXO, LLC are now cleaning up ordinace off Maili point. Drive up to Waianae Comprehensive..make a left and enter the restruant and over to the lani look out! It's kinda interesting to watch and to observe all the people with their fishing poles. In our community 'risk assessment' meetings, when asked if the contaminats that leaks out of the ordinance flow to the shores, and I believe the answer was yes!
Our people want these ordnances to be cleaned up regardless of it's process that recontaminats the ocean. It's very intersting to observe. Maili has the highest rate in child lukemia.
The coral was the most concern over safety, environment concerns, and than clean up at our meetings. I'm waiting for part Two of the cleaning up of ordinance.
hi Tane,
Am in agreement with you......
I must say that Kaohi is a toxic strain/bad blood infecting innocent kanaka.
Her missionary/mercenary ties, her being part of the Thurston, Samuel Andrews family who PLOTTED against Queen Liliuokalani in 1892 at MAKUA Valley with U.S. Representative Benjamin Tracy, and her stepmother descendant of PARMELE JUDD, etc., her complete support of Abercrombie, et. als. certainly says a lot.............and then some......
Opposition remains with the hewa Provisional government, turned Republic, then Territory, and State with documented oppositions from our families and friends over time........
Kaohi and all those on Hawaiian Home lands are perpetuating the evils of a criminal PIRATE nation that is now documented as Premeditating the criminal assumption of a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation with Treaties, etc............and because the bloodlines exist can be considered trespassers on Kamehameha III's/Kauikeouli's properties.
All kanaka maoli sitting on the Crown Lands who pay mortgages and who maintain that they are under duress, stress, coercion, and usurpation should get in contact with the true owners, descendants of Kamehameha, heirs of Kamehameha III, et. als. and authorizations to help malama family properties may be for more information.
The Kingdom of Hawaii is here, as well as the true descendants, land owners, including King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani's families.
Love it:
"The U.S.A. continues to make a mockery of justice, honor, integrity, democracy, and freedom. Fuck 'em!"
There's opportunities to make corrections and many who come from those who assisted the wrongdoers are now helping us...............guess Kaohi doesn't get it and am thinking that working with damaged DNA/ special ed folks is not compatible for all in the field.......of course there are exceptions but.....
Walt Disney Lilo and Stich version of saving our reefs and coupled with military works well in pop corn movies, but in real life--its and end game!!!!