I recently, got into an argument with a young opio, who jumped into the conversation from the third act.  Frustrated, I asked him--"when was the last time you wiped your Kupuna's bottom?"  I meant what I said.  The first act was about the Hawaiian Kingdom and it's seat of power, although, that seat is empty--the power is still in place.  The second act was an Spanish idiot that thought I would buy into his 'Spirit and Flesh' garbage which is considered first sin for eternity.  This second act came with the usual cursing Christian style which is something that I am use to because that is how the old folks were--always cursing.  That pissed me off!  To mix in the seat of power, first sin, and a young opio's immature ranting and raving in the third act and far away from the origin which is the seat of power in Hawaii.  


For the first time and in a long time Wm Aila did the right thing and right on cue!.  Shutting down the Iolani Palace from all activities was awesome!  I am not talking about our local people either, I am talking about Iolani Palace Ching chong Chinse Chun as not having her way over a Hawaiian women and the APEC visitors.  I often saw people like the Grandmaster of Japan conduct a Tea ceremony even though I am fond of Japan's ceremony, I do believe that it was in disrespect to my people and her Majesty Liliu to conduct this ceremony at the top of the Iolani Palace.  But, in my heart I gave it my approval.  Wavering!  When I said to Clayton Hee, "this is not an OK Coral", I meant it!  Wm cannot operate from political stance and function at the local level of security.  


I just want to say mahalo Mahealani for having the guts to resist the world powers of chaos and to protect the 'seat of power'.  I still have lua's (outhouses) that Liliu sat on and did her personal business as well as deep thinking--a place that I use to play in with my toy's.  Our youths just don't get it, that outhouses shows up on a national security signature on a satellite image as well as an anthropology survey as a culture nature ticket item for corporate revitalization intent for sustainability.  Space theorist try as they might cannot still the very aina of our ancestors by the tail of the horses ass!  Swish swish!


I raise worms for green reasons, when this is over lets take a look at sustainability in the way that our Na Kupuna did for thousands of years.  We don't need wind energy, we don't need football fields of concrete in our ocean, we don't need in the Pacific Island too much of wasted technology ideas that will rust and have no place to put them when it's useless or broken!


Most of all and my pet project from hell!  We don't need State, Federal Lynn Nakasone at the helm telling children about radionuclides isotopes-- so long as they are diluted in ocean water they can safely drink milk and eat fish because their big brothers are watching over them.  Good Grief, where is my blankey!  Doesn't anyone remember the heptachlor in the milk that our children were drinking, and people forgot about the cows were sold locally that our children ate and got very sick?  Are they packing guns too the inspectors of radionuclides isotopes--don't they need protection from 23 year old standing in line to buy a "Happy Meal(white or chocolate?)."  

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